Monday, August 22, 2011

Visiting ~

It's been more than a week since I left my hometown to visit my grandparents and also to help out with some stuff ~

I feel really at home here ~

and believe it or not its the first time ever i came here alone ... mum came the second day and went back...

i decided to stay back longer , coz I CAN !! XD

well when mum was here she drove me to this HUGE place with various handmade stuff !! it's my heaven!!

Ppl there who were helping me to measure the clothes , pack small buttons and bells were at aw at my "high" in the shop !! and I FOUND SAFETY EYESSSSSS!!!* melts * the white and black laces are so cute and cheap here compared to my hometown ~

so far no pics ~ huhu

i made a bunny for my aunt ! pic in FB basically the same with the brown bunny just a different colour . I made it a keychain / handphone thingy ~ XD


how was your monday?? =)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Amigurumi = Love ~


I have a better camera at home !so better quality pics ^^

I took up a new hobby this holiday !

Crocheting ! or more specific ....Amigurumi !


My latest project ^^

Many people frequently ask me why i don't wanna sell em ~

I kinda feel very attached to the stuff I make haha.

I prefer to them as gifts because I trust they will take good care of it hehe ~ ♥

More like giving them away for adoption !

I don't know why i feel that way but yeah ...haha

Do you have a hobby currently?


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

No nail polish for me :p

Being a girl it's natural to wanna put on make up and dress pretty when you hang out with friends ...
..and there are times when your natural instincts kick in...doing house work , gardening ect ....all you care about is the satisfaction of getting a chore done and get everyone smiling !

In uny i make it a point to put on make up to look fresh and not so gloomy ( i have droopy eyes XD)

So it became a habit to do my brows and use eyeliner ...when i'm in the mood foundation ect ...haha

Anyhooo... When i got back ( the following morning) I got up early to send sis off to work and have breakfast with mum afterwards.

I found myself with 5 minuets extra time i grabbed the cheapo eyebrow liner from my makeup kit and went to the office room ( where the nearest mirror was) to apply it ...i found sis and mum looking at me funny ( i'm almost certain sis raised an eyebrow !) LOL !!

the thing is i find myself less self cautious at home ....I don't worry of my looks . keke

Not even nail polish !! haha coz i have been gardening and doing random chores around , my nails would chip ! so I couldn't bother !! haha

Maybe i'll let my nails grow and do this ↑again when ( and IF) plans with Ivy to have a trip to Kuching works out &hearts

Bottom line i revert back to my old self when i come back home ! haha no make up , baggy shorts and a faded T-shirt with super messy hair ...and the amazing thing is i don't mind ^^

How about you ? do you dress up when out with your family ? hehe

More updates coming !

Updating makes me less bored and makes " doing stuff" and taking pics more exciting !

so look forward to it ne ~

Matta ne !!!

Miyuki より~

Monday, May 23, 2011

Trading in books for the spatula and the shovel ! XD

Well...Holidays for us uny peeps !!

This is considered my last "summer break" since after this I'll officially be a teacher ! XD


So how have you all been? Back home enjoying the green green grass of home?hehe

For me...this is the first time I don't have anything in mind ..probably work?? ( nah ~)

sometimes I laze around ...but taking over some of the house work is usually the case for me~

I kinda enjoy doing it coz i actually get some exercise ( believe me ...with a dog living in the house sweeping and mopping the floor can be a challenge !! lol)

Then cooking.. preparing food ~ mad these with mum the other day ...fishcakes !! Got some tips on how to make sure the fishcakes are crispy and chewy at the same time !! ( they are healthy too..steamed ne)

Cooking is the easy part ...preparing isn't too hard either ( You get fishy hands XD) ...Pretty time consuming though ~ XD

↓ get some peppers and not-hot-at-all big chili and fried tofu

Garden !! i didn't mention getting rid of the Ixora bushes ...but we planted it and maintained it for ages it's pretty ! so just clear up all the wilted ones and trim the nicer one into hedges.

Getting rid of wild Ixora can be quite a fuss !! not like the one we planted , the wild ones have deeper crawling roots !! *ouch*

got cuts here and there haha ...but the satisfaction is there when you finally see a cleared garden !!!

We plant pearl grass in the garden so never needed anyone to come by to cut...however we still need to weed the garden ( yes by hand keke)...

I didn't have my handphone downstairs so i didn't get a "before picture" but i'll get an after picture soon!!!


On another topic one thing i look forward to when i come home is the wagging tail of a dog....

But this old faithful dog is already 11 years old and getting pretty frail...can't do any of its old tricks or retrieve mail or the paper ...could barely walk !!

so we are taking really good care of it making sure it's comfortable all the time ...

the next step is to brace ourselves ...if you know what i mean ...i always have 15 years set in my head ...maybe longer ...

Missing his main master probably made it age faster too ... sigh ~


Anyhoo ..lighter topic ! mum went for a wedding dinner and got this opinion...cute ! but i don't find it appetizing !! is this even edible?? all sugar ...We should really stick more to real food you know haha!

Well, what are you guys doing for the holidays? part-time jobs?? chores ...learning new stuff and OH! planning a trip???

Gonna make plans to go to Kuching with a friend ...who knows eh !! will be so fun !! hehe ♥ till my next entry keep yourselves entertained !!! or lemmie know hoe i can kill a little boredom !! haha

matta ne !

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Being home is nice ♥

I'm back in a small moderately busy town ~

YAY ! ♥

It's more ...well boring here but i cant think of a few silly adventures to amuse myself with !

First on the list is removing all the Ixora hedges !!

It's nice and I always trim it when i get back for the holidays but people say it attracts mosquitoes sorry my pretty Ixoras....and then will plant mint instead ...I hear it repels mosquitoes?




3 years just fly by like that ....I miss all my friends taking 3 year courses ...huhu

I mean our study life is so short ! And in this 3 year time frame ,so many things happen !!

You learn plenty of things about life ...and what it has in store for us...

We say hello and there are goodbyes....


The final day of exam we went for karaoke ! and then walked to the market where we saw a bunch of things wasn't a very safe place for one to flash her cellphone and take a picture or two so pictures *huhu*

But i bought something like um..sea bed coconut ?? * yes directly translated from Mandarin*

and it's good for skin and cough??

plus mum's favorite snack ..the traditional kuih cincin ???


Following day went to Wojamama with non other that Yuki...i have no idea whay they spell it Wojamama when clearly the hiragana spells wagamama !!!

well wagamama means selfish in Japanese ...such a big confusion !! lol

anyhoo we had a RM50 voucher and ate very little maybe due to our mellow mood !! i mean it's basically our last date !!!

We did a little gallivanting ~ and then i bought her an angry bird as a parting gift ~

Starbucks !! my favorite is actually the green tea blend !!

not a fan of the choc chip since i tasted something more chocolaty when the java chip was out of stock !! XD

↑ This was what we ordered ...haha and we ended up eating only 7 plates TOGETHER !!! such a shame XD

↑ Yuki bought me this at Starbucks ! XD Cashew nut chocolate chip cookies !! i wanna learn how to make such a tasty cookie !! yum :D
And finaaly our order of chocolate chip java...not as good as the green tea but nice ( maybe because i'm more of a tea person?? haha )

Well, by the looks of it i'm probably just gonna hang around home doing stuff that cannot be done when i'm away....I like to jump back into doing gardening and getting some exercise ...though i can't continue my evening jogs since everyone else is busy with work gardening will have to do !! got a saw to saw off all the branch...i don't have to use an old cleaver to get rid of bushes !! lol

I hope i make the most of my holidays !

I'm so looking forward to meeting up with old friends ...talking about our life and everything ! ...there is till an untold ghost story you know !! haha

I hope i can get more exciting pics and stuff in my life to share ...

Till then

Ganbate in LIFE !!!

now listening to Rolling Star !! lol cool song !!!

Jya , ne ♥

P/s: 0wh did i mention?? I brought Aki back with me too ♥
But there is a very slim chance that I'll take him back to KK again :( oh well ! matta neeeee!!! ♥

Sunday, May 8, 2011

SMK Raja Abdullah Bully Case...A sad reality

This is not one of my regular post .

Well , I came across this video while checking updates on my facebook

I'm not sure if you guys out there heard this story and I think it is already to the "viral" point like the dog abuse case.

It's the high profile SMK Raja Abdullah bully case

My first reaction was "disgusting"

Naturally , instincts kicked in and we all muster out our hatred towards these bullies and put ourselves in the shoes of this poor girl.

The original video is taken down ( i think) for "too much hate" or something like that but with apps these days anyone could easily download and re-upload the video.

Like I said, my first reaction is " This is disgusting" and i naturally wanted these bullies to get the worst punishment ever !! everyone with a heart did !!

But we all have to stop and think here . The question is WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?

Cussing them and wishing the worst possible outcome for these girls (and apparently a guy) isn't gonna stop this from happening !!!

( Then again....I guess the public going head on on these 13 year old bullies is a good punishment itself ..haha)

These bullies have issues .

Human nature makes us want to find someone to blame...parents , teachers, the bullies themselves but no SINGLE person is to blame for this.

Girls don't just wake up in the morning with the intention to make someone suffer just for the fun of it.

It must have started from somewhere and no one notice these behaviors and if they DO notice no one cares!!

These girls need counseling guidance and of course care from the right people !

Parents ,teachers, friends , relatives ....ALL OF US are responsible when these things happen.

This is only one of many MANY cases of bullying these days .

What we should do is stop being a kid and cussing all the way ....we should sit down and think of the best way these can be avoided !!!


Last but not least for the bullies I hope they are dealt with and the case handled properly IS already a high profile case .

Hopefully the are remorseful of what they did.

Believe me at first I really wanted to cuss them and hope that someone give them a buzz cut right down the middle of their scalp ! but it;s not a very mature ( or right)way of thinking LOL.

My heart goes out to the bullied girl . Hair will grow back but her self confidence won't be built up that easily. The girl is traumatized.

This is no drama where we expect the best turnout for the victim and the worst outcome for the villains ( bullies).

Know that this is only a MINOR case of bullying ... cases that lead to DEATH goes unnoticed like the one where a boy was killed when bullies slammed his head towards a locker at a local school in my hometown 3 years ago .

This ,my dear readers a sad reality that is happening here and now .

ask yourselves


and lets hope that people are more alert when there are signs that lead to these behavior!

lets hope that this SMK Raja Abdullah bully case will not repeat itself

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Conjunctivitis ...blury eyesight and insomnia ~

I got Conjunctivitis BOTH eyes ....

more known as pink eyes ( not red is much worse i think XD) started on the day i was having my first paper...

Initially thought it was just because of lack of sleep ( and my on-going insomnia problem)

but it got worse and painful...come the 3rd day and my other eye got infected as well...

Just....peachy ....

I can't see or think clearly with all these impurities building up every few minutes ....

bottom line...not a good thing to have during EXAM TIMESSS !!

and i have like 2 papers this week !!

please please please get better !!!


Anthoo I shouldn't have but at the same time should go out ( confusing?)

well i tend to go "haywire" if i stay too long in my room ( 5 days i think??)

I intended to concentrate on my studies ... since i basically am avoiding society because of my conjunctivitis ...but i havent seen Ellen for DONKEY YEARSSSSS ( okey 1 year but it's soooo longgg)

so despite having turned down another peep's request ...i wen't out with ellen...and people were kinda looking at me like ( why did she cry???)

seriously with puffy and red eyes surprise that people tend to stare ...and it is one of those busy days in 1B...

I didn't take any pictures since i didn't have the mood ...went for lunch at Kavre ...and then Movie !


I have pics of some food ,,,namel Mc Ds reminds me of 2 of the 4 glass i broke ( sobs)

this time it's shaped like a coca cola can ~

And it was out within 2 days ( don't get me started with the guy who pretended he didn't have it )

anyhoo...not a fan of the sundae ...but it comes with a glass so :)

↑ this on the other hand is tamagoyaki i made ...sorta a fail since i let the first layer cook for too long and now it looks like i folded in a seaweed lol!

Speaking of seaweed I like to (occasionally) take this's a little too salty for me today when i took booooo~

Last but not least the coke glass i almost didn't get


On antother note...i'm having insomnia prblems...not being able to sleep till it's over 3 and feeling super sleepy when i get up....haiz ...hope it will go away when i get home :) ( in 2 weeks time YAY)

well good luck in exams and life !!

i hope everything turn out okey...MOST IMPORTANTLY I WISH I CAN HAVE CLEAR VISON BACK!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Exam week la study

Back from the camp and in study mode

I'm supposed to be sleeping right now but I figured that i owe you , my dear readers some updates !!

Been ages since i updated !

And what better time to update than now!


The camp was exhausting but a "relaxing" one at the same time...

Lots of complicated miscommunication but ...i just wanna point out that ALL of us really put in a lot of effort in our own part...not one of us tried to be a lazy bone ~

It might appear like some did ...but honestly ...why not look at a more positive side of things and acknowledge each other's hard work it's within the activities , in the kitchen , at the mini-library or at the one stop center!!

Just give yourself a pat on the back and also acknowledge the fact that all of us, despite study week , attended and contributed in one way or another and left an impression there .... whether it is filling our stomach ( food was great BTW) ... , arranging a book ...driving a nail into the wall ...or flashing a smile for the kids ....all these really do matter please...don't find fault or debate who should get the credit...just smile and be happy that we all successfully conducted this !!


It's so humid here !! the village was so fresh and cooling ...comfortable and relaxing !!

So Yuki and I decided to head someplace more comfy to study yesterday !!

at first it was atmosphere !! then headed to 24 hour Mc D where we staied till 3 am!

it was kind of surprising seeing that we were to the only ones with books there !!

Mc D was still full of students at 3 am!

Makeshift library!! lol since it's air conditioned and comfy !

so tonight we are gonna try to study the whole night!!

so i'm supposed to be resting up for our study marathon !!

You know...i'm not so stressed studying this way!


I wanted to say more but i guess I need to rest up for later

here are pics !!

hope i could update sooner and with more details soon!!

Good luck to ya'll out there taking exams !! and for you working peeps ....good luck too !!

Last night's dinner ...not that nice but ...haha it fills the stomach !

This was rm2 bonanza !! wasn't that hungry so we ate a little and watched "Where Got Ghost"

Pretty funny movie ...but they could do better :/ ...was expecting it t be a longer movie ~

one of the activities...make a solid tower using straws !!we all won..but at first was "disqualified" because we didn't finish using all the was very stable though !!!

one of my fav ice-cream ↓ i seldome take this but it was so we could study there !! ^^ Mc D became a study hang out when it comes to study week ( a surprise to me !)

I find this amusing ↓

Because emi-chan kept saying how "belly" likes AKB..and kept singing the song !! how come there is a make-up brand named "HEavy rotation" lol !!!

Anyhoo...i wanted to write more about self confidence and how we should appreciate ourselves...but that will have to wait yeah?

need to catch some Zzzz's before i add oil ( ironic-ly we are studying at a Mc D outlet located at a petrol station!! LOL)

so ADD OIL ALL !! ganbarouuuuuuu!!!!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sleeping disorder and complicated feelings worst week recalled~

My mind is slush !

Yes ...i'm referring to the recall to the worst week of my life ~

Some things happened and i missed the people will hate me more for that right?

Well , i don't expect anyone to understand.

It's hard to understand unless you have felt it before right? so i can comprehend if they feel uneasy =)


On top of that i'm having sleeping disorder ...insomnia ....and half-sleeping...

Sleeping problems usually comes at times when i'm depressed ....

This is a depressing week ! ...i recalled all the bad moments .....

I never got to say sorry ...i never got to say goodbye

But at least i had a dream about it .....


Well lets talk something lighter ?

In other words ~

Love ....

Is one very simple word.....with complicated meanings !

My friend was heartbroken and I din't know how to console her ...because i never experienced disappointment like that ~

This is when i realize that lying to oneself is really a difficult thing !

opening up more is a better thing. Not lying to yourself and be true to your feelings . Even if it doesn't work out at least you don't regret NOT trying ! ^^

It is these small words and small actions that matter ....

someone said that " You should be with a person that you don't have to impress"

And i believe those words !

Of course it takes time ~

AND ↓↓↓




hehe ~ this song is super kawaii !!

someone mixed Yui and Mio's voice together and the chorus sounds really melodious !

Really lighthearted song !!

Moe moeeeeeee ~ ♥

anyhooooo ~

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Randomness ! Helping LM.C with their recording ! & music !

Today is a random post ...and maybe some fan girl talk !

BTW ! my emotions are all over the place right now !!

so forgive my super randomnessssss!

Today was pretty exciting .... me most of LM.C teamers are working hard for the recording !

Like i said ...i love LM.C because fans get to participate in recordings and stuff like that ! was recording for a song in the (possibly) up comming album !

Date line for recording "YEAH", "wooho" and sounds like that was today !...did you send in yours !!??

How exciting eh ! your voice featured in one song !! ^^

I'm excited for Hoshi no Arika ! !

Recorded my YEAI today XD hope it is used !

Thanks MAYA !!


Now takeru is replying fans on twitter !

I doubt he'd reply mine but i'm okey with it! coz my most respected Guitarist replied and his former member replied me twice !! hehe

I'm talking about Aiji and Jun !! both were former band mates !!


On the same note lets talk music !!

Well when you play the guitar , the way you listen to songs is very different !

I was learning Cassis and you learn some parts ( strumming patterns and slides..ect ect) by ear ...

yes i learn from the tabs but most on line aren't accurate at all !!

so you have to learn by ear....and from there , you can actually pick up the different sounds in a song ! like how many guitars are there ... rhythm and lead guitar or melody ...and even the almost always forgotten bass sounds! to people who don't play instruments , bass is always ignored !

I might consider picing up bass someday ! after i save up for an electric guitar !! XD ...i wanna do distortions and cool hammer ons too you knowwww !!

Like[Again] i could do the solo guitar riff on the acoustic should be easier on an electric since the frets are closer together !

btw...friend asked..."so when you play guitar do you spin around ??"



My Ashton D25Bk is like 6 kg !! maybe move to the bit more when there is super fast strumming and fast chord progression ! like when i stand up playing [summer song] by YUI !

Cassis too! ♥ Cassis is my biggest accomplishment so far !! huhu...well i'm yet to learn Aoi's electric solo at the back !

I wish they have chords for Pledge though! one tough song to play and one very touching song !

It's not like i have an electric guitar or something ! lol ! so sorry spinning ! XD

hehe ! i Love this live !! I was playing the song and listening to this live at the same time...makes me happy when my hand movements were in sync with Aoi's plucking when he plays the acoustic !! ♥


Finally ! JCC made a donation drive !! Shout out to those who stood under the sun to get Japan some donations !!

it's late here !!

I should get to bed soon ! so ...take care all !!

P/S: i miss you !! Hope your flu is better !!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Panda eyes blog update !

before anything!

Please forgive me for any grammatical spelling or vocabulary mistakes brain is slush now

Spending more that 12 hours in front of the lappy while having flu can do serious damage to the brain cells ~ LOL


I have been having flu for 6 days now !!! 6 dayssss!!!! this is crazy!

I have a strong immune system and i think it broke down because of the odd weather ?? probably! XD

So i went ti Guardian to buy medication ( finally gave in to stubbornness) ...i never taken this before but seems like it's know, like the tummy ache pellets ...just this is for flu ....well it stopped the blocked nose ...but i still have flu...and my voice changed ! haha

Lately the fresh mart near my place sells cheaper strawberries !!! and i needed some they seems red-ish and sweet ! and i was right! for the first tie in my life i've tasted sweet strawberries !!! mum did buy some for us back in my hometown ...but it's usually bigger and VERY sour !! this is already my second box ! haha they look really good . I intended to make another cute bento with this but then i'm kinda piled in assignments ~ :/
oh well ~

Owh an d for those of you who didn't know i spent last month doing a self challenge for guitar !

For the first time ever !! it isn't a YUI song ...instead its the GazettE!!

I covered one of my fav GazettE's song !! XD

Cassis !!! ↓↓↓↓↓↓

not perfect but ..haha i practice this song for a month !

huhu! been so long since i posted any video in youtube...this song is by far the biggest challenge because the song is more than minutes long , there is plucking involved and the arrangements are all over the place ...not like your standard → verse ,pre-chorus, Alice Nine's [Gemini-0-Eternal] , Cassis also has some independent arrangements . Most of GazettE's songs are like that . I only like the ballads they write ( Red as an exclusion) coz their other stuff are just too heavy! If you are a fan of ballads then i suggest you check this band out. The meaning behind their songs ( as heavy as they are ) is deep and meaningful .

anyhoo ~ now that i'm done with the assignment with numbers on with other assignments !!

and yes ! In case you were wondering i have panda eyes and in fact gained weight form staying in front of the laptop for too long :P


enjoy your weekend all!!お休み!

Miyuki より~

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Had fun....^^ needs to make something !


I should be updating more often but i was either too tired or too lazy to do so !!! (Gomen!!)

Seems like everyone entered twitter for the mini assignment ne ~

Gosh ! this means a little more of me will be exposed?

Come to think of it i was kinda stupid and slow when i started twitter!

So why did i start twitter in the first place??..haha coz of Aiji-san !

Was follong up on the Myspace blogs and he asked us to join and join twitter since "it's easier to use "
That aside ...yesterday we celebrated a friends birthday !

And we spent a lot of time talking and catching up stuff like that ! ....Kinda nostalgic sharing a bed with a friend like that. We used to do that a lot when i was at the National Service camp with the same friend !!!

The world is small right ! i used to be a room mate with Woo! and i usually (against the rules ) i'd go to her bed coz the windows were closed and my place was the only one without a fan !

fast forward 5 freaking years later and here we are !! It's probably the last time fate can bring us together like this ! She lives in KL and i live in Sarawak ~ ....we net at NS and now here !

Interesting how small this world is !

Well we went to her fav place for light dinner and went to the beach ! ...we wanted to go to that musical fountain thing but it closed when we were about to enter ( Boo! )

Caught a glimpse of it when we drove through and it was already an eyeopener !

I'd be such a nice place for a couple ! but you can go with friends too!


Okey! I know this looks really REALLY wired !

But i was itching to try and tie a girl obi!!!

and Rilakkuma in a male yukata had to be my victim....

this is like the weirdest hybrid EVER !!

A male character in a male Yukata that i made last monthBUT with a girl style obi ( with a cloth pattern of a male obi!!)!!!

Well...a male obi should be like 2 times smaller that a girl's obi ( with more attractive colour) but i was kinda stressed and wanted to make something ...tying the obu was kinda easy after all !! the challenge is getting the right length...something like tying a necktie ...or something like that ! XD

haha ...such a wired thing to make eh !

↓↓ ↓↓
Single bow obi!

Double bow obi!!

I hope you were entertained by these ! ( or have a little laugh)

I should really sleep but i don't want to !

anyhoo ! happy Sunday all....don't think of so many depressing stuff ! look at the positive side !

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ohayou? hehe

I know i'm supposed to keep all readers updated but internet was kinda down the entire day ! (of all days)

and most importantly I'm a disappointing LM.C fan

you know i didn't know what BKK-GGL was until it was over well halfwat through the final !!

Basically it means we all listen to the songs that are supposed to be played live for the shows that are canceled !

and also post responses on twitter ...everyone including past support members ( yup including Jun Murayama)

In short it's called "AIR LIVE"

Basically "air' terms ...i got the concert tickets but MISSED IT !!!

sigh ...anyhoo i'm listening to it now ...haha

I think LM.C is one of the most AWARE of all bands of fans out of Japan ! Holding
"chepo" events like this for fans

I did attend the first listening event during earth our last year !

Anyhoo..Maya posted an MC for this event...i basically understand something about being connected and looking forward to the postponed live.


On another totally different topic....I went for karaoke on friday with 3 other friends ....

The place we went too ...there were people collecting donations for the Japanese people ...i'm glad and hope these donations are managed properly ^^

I wan't feeling very well ( flu) and seems like Yuki was in a bad mood phase ~

Well ...after karaoke Yuki wanted to talk to me about some stuff we went to atmosphare for dinner !!

GUESS WHAT ! they have takoyaki there !! ♥

At the restaurant we ordered this.... regrettably!! the portions are HUGE ...i should have gone for the sandwiches ...i had that indigestion for a few days now because of this !!

I'm now listening to the set list songs ^^ all the GREAT songs are in there !! me likey ! none of the uneasy songs are in there...metally is acceptable because the chorus and lyrics covers for the heavy begging ! ( eg: midnight museum 4)

I slept just now just in case you were wondering why i'm still up ! ...the net was down so i couldn't do anything so i'm up now doing stuff i like liseting to the Sappro live set list !

I hope all your weekends went well !

I hope there is a guide for you to make decisions in life ne ~

What you do and what you say ...what you feel about yourself and what you feel about others ...

Todays advise for me to all you readers today XD.....


Just remember that no matter what look inside ..not out ...if you can believe yourself inside ,people will surely see it outside !

Inferior Complex ....don't go too deep into stains the good side of you ! XD

Miyuki より~

p/s: i'm really sorry to senpai ! because the net was down ...i wasn't able to give emotional support T^T...I hope everything is okey !

Monday, March 14, 2011

Disaster ....sad isn't it?

Well as we all know japan is largely affected by the disaster ~

I'm feeling sad ...very sad these few days ...and my immune system kinda broke down ! Coz flu kicked in sometime yesterday when i was about to head out !

Believe me flu on a 30 degree day is no joke ! ended up with some kinda water pocket in my eye ~ *sigh*

Anyhoo...the flu is almost gone now ....

How nice is it if things can be healed like that ~

more than 1000 people lost their lives ....and thousands more lost everything they have ....on top of that the major concern are the failed cooling system for the nuclear plants !

what can i say? Before friday we are all oing on with life and complaining about the little things like "i'm not thin enough" or " OMG why isn't my internet working??!!" "my life sucks" , "i'm stressed!!" .."LIFE ISN'T FAIR!!"

Before the disaster i was kinda worrying , and complaining about the situation that i have been through last year and the effects it has on me this year ....and being tired of how life is and so on ~


That Friday....most of us were watching odd activities artist retweeting people to get on high grounds , Ruki was constantly advising people to get mineral water supply ... we usually see some post like "earthquake" followed by ..."we are all okey" a few minutes later...This time i sensed something different was around 12 pm ...and the tsunami warnings were just up !

I then realized that it was really serious when i got a knock on my door two hours later....i was already glued to TBS's Usteram live news ( Live footage and news form japan) was an 8.9 magnitude earthquake and the net exploded with videos and news ! Twitter was full of reteweets of videos and information about shelters !

I'm kinda in a "slump" mode ...coz well...Japan is a big part of my life ...everyday i listen to Japanese songs and i follow up on my fav artist tweets see something like that happen is really heartbreaking ...thinking wow ~ this is really bad....

one question haunts my mind

If that happens to me how do i move on?

how? I was devastated and my personality basically changed because of what happed last year....'s a relief to know that Japan anticipated this and is more or less prepared ...and expecting this kinda disaster to happen ( It happens every 30 years)

I'm really glad that we live in a place where is safe...not perfect in every sense...and many times not convenient...but...a normal and peaceful life ....I'm glad we have that ~

Still's scary...i'm actually still in shock ~

watching the news and reading the tweets ....

I only got to know that LM.C was scheduled to perform their live at Sendai on the day of the disaster. All are safe ....Maya and Aiji and their staff ~ ....Alice nine , hiroto and Shou were retweeting shelter information and locations ~ ...i didn't hear form Jun ( Alvino) until sometime in the evening ~... Jun form Venomstrip announced that all members are safe ....runnyrunny999 (uploads japanese cooking videos )posted a video on youtube. He looked really shaken ~ like you can see the fear in his eyes. Japanese people are used to earthquakes ...but to see them that afraid's really heartbreaking ~

I can't do much ...i only can pray ~

On the lighter side of things ....

before all of these happened i did all my chores and decided to (FINALLY) change the rusted guitar strings ~ ...

I borrowed cutters this time ...and the strings are all neat ♥

Sounds really rich now ~ ......Intro part completed !! now to practice the verse plucking ~and train my fingers !

Did you know that today is White day? White day is a day where people give back (chocolates) to people they received chocolates form on Valentines day ~ Mostly celebrated in japan..but i doubt it is in anyones mind at the moment ~

I decided to make something since making something kinda sets me in a good mood ( though it didn't work this time around since it reminds me of the disaster)
Yes another bento attempt....well not too bad but i need more practice ~

Broccoli boiled in salt ....DIY nugets ( made it from minced chicken) and then the challenging Tenpura shrimp...i wanted to make ebi furai but can't find bread crumbs so ~ ..tenpura is the next best thing although not that presentable for a bento ~

Owh ...there were rumors abot some beach here saying that sea snails are washed up dead on the shores? indicating that a tsunami is coming?...borneo post stated that police are warning people NOT to believe these rumors but people are still worried for me ...

No worries ...i'll avoid all the beaches ~ ^^ and i'm fine !

just not that genki emotionally ~

Nothing can really cheer me up now ~

But i'll try to smile okey =)

and oh ~ please pray for mater what your religion is or maybe you don't have a's okey just to convey your feelings ....i think Jun of venomstrip kinda saw all the #prayforjapan tags on twitter and he blogged about it thanking everyone for the wishes and stated that somehow ...these feelings might convert to a miracle ....

Somehow i kinda feel that way to ...if people send enough of their prayers a miracle of somesort will happen...i don't mean a super miracle like everything turning back to normal or stuff like that ...what i mean is small little finding a loved one alive ...HOPE , water supply ....the nuclear plant cooling ....ect's these small miracles that matter ....I've seen my fair share of little miracles and hope last year and continue to see it....

i guess i've written enough for today ~

I don't know how long i'm gonna be in this phase or how it is gonna turn out for Japan...but i hope all will go well ~

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Japan Tsunami heartbreaking

I'm actually super exhausted and for some reason my back hurts !

But i can't sleep ! Because i have so much going on in my head ! like 4 to 5 different things ~

One of them being the Japan earthquake and followed by the disastrous tsunami .

Please PLEASE pray for not only Japan but all areas affected by it ~

I was glued to TBS Ustream ...A news channel and thanks to Ustream i can watch it live !

I can't help but thinking how people can help in small ways ....In twitter common people are using their fav bands and artist who have access to thousands of followers to spread information about lifelines , help centers and shelters that are being utilized .

People all around the world are trending tsunami and Prayforjapan

Namely Takeru , Piko and Venomstrip's JUN

even those like Ruki and Aoi ....spreading advise and information ....

Google is not only spreading the tsunami warning on it's home page ...they created a "people finder" thingy ...

I know it's not effecting me directly but i really feel sad from watching all those videos ....things that people work their whole life for destroyed !

I kinda feel bad ...because i'm always sad and "depressed" about small things that doesn't really matter and people in Japan and affected areas are suffering real pain of loss.

I need to cheer up !

But i have things in my mind!

HELP T^T *needs a shoulder to lean on *

Friday, March 11, 2011

Doing stuff heals ~

You now sometimes life gets tough !

Well almost always is tough right?

Try as you might you will still face things like being ignored tricked, used, sidelined , isolated , rejected , insulted ,scolded , embarrassed, shunned, judged ...the list never ends

All these are really hurtful and painful to face....a reality that we have to fight everyday !

Sometimes , people should take time to comprehend a persons behavior. You never know what is going on behind the scenes ...the smile or the tears . But alas 人間はずるいものですね~

I guess the only thing I an do is smile and brush things off ~ it's the best heal faster always starts with a smile ...

Anyhoo ....

At times like this you look for the best possible way to forget these painful things ....

Aki....^^ i'm glad i met him ~

clears the mind and help me gain back some focus ...

of course i'm talking about my precious black Ashton acoustic guitar ~ ♥

Cassis is quite a challenge complicated chords ( for acoustic ver) ...but i'm trying to master the plucking at the verse parts ! very BIG challenge since i pretty much suck at plucking !!

Plus! the arrangement is kinda all over the place ! I have to listen to Cassis like 100000 times before i got the tempo and the set of chords to play !

well I wanna gain some confidence ...which is why a challenge is always good ( better than staring at the lappy screen all day eh!)

well it's hard to explain the happy feeling you get from playing an instrument ~

You know it sounds right when your heart rhythm is in line with the tempo ..and you can actually "feel" the vibes just flowing through your body ~

After playing a full song ...every chord and plucking spot on ....even just a hard verse or bridge !

it feels like a drug ....your fingers hurt ...but you can only feel the happiness of being in the right tempo with the song playing through at your takes you to another world :)

Honestly I don't really like The GazettE ! ...because some of their stuff are super heavy !! but SERIOUSLY!!! ALL and YES ALL their BALLADS ROCK ! well Red was kinda nice ( not a ballad) but all their ballads ..OMG !

Cassis , Guren , Pledge .... all touching songs and really nice to the ears ....especially with acoustics ...GazettE are the best ballad writers hehe ~

I guess i can look forward to GazettE's songs to cover now ! hehe ...

ooo ~ i never posted the pics of the bento boxes i bought so here you go !

It's 2am already!! should get some sleep ~ hehe

I've got a feeling that these things will happen again ....but i'll be fine ...i guess =)

Just listen to my Fav phrase in Ghost † Heart'll know what happened hehe ...

anyhoo...OhaSUMI!!!! ♥

P/S:I miss Jun-kun's tweets and greetings T^T!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011



Haven't blog in a while . I'm not sure weather it's because I was busy or because so many things happened ! lol

Anyhoo ....

I made bento !

Basically Japanese lunch box food .

I read that planning ahead saves time and it really did !

Well made chicken nuggets, tamagoyaki sushi and octo hot dogs.

plus rice with furitake. I sent the instant miso along with the bento to Yuki !

Somehow i wanted to make her happy after all she had gone through ~ stress and stuff ~

Honestly it was quite a lot of work ! i had such a small place to work ! not like home where you have the dining table and big space lol.

But it was worth it ! After sending the bento i ate my own ~ hehe ...basically the same so i was lazy to take pics~

And it wasn't like other meals i make for myself ! ...the rice wasn't too hard or soggy .

I surprised myself when i made tamagoyaki !! i was afraid that i'd fail making a very dry omlet or something. So i watched tonnes of tutorial with tips and all ...followed the tips and wala!! not perfect but at least it looked layered ....with not too overcooked insides !!♥

Overall it was just a simple bento and my bento lacks one of the most important thing ~ veges !

You know with the fridge issue ...its hard for me to get veges ....complicated stuff ~

So unfortunately my bento is missing some veges ....well next time i make another bento cherry tomatoes and broccoli will be in there ne ~ then it'll be a fully balanced and healthy diet!

You know why bento is healthy right? the boxes keep track of your portions! you can only put that much in a bento box and that's about it ! which makes you think of the best possible balance meal !

Ah ...everyone has a principle on what their bento must have and all ~

for me ?

It must be nice cold temperature ...since you usually make lunch boxes to take somewhere having something that!

the other thing is love ...Making anything at all...the most important thing is love ~

Then it will surely taste good !

haha i wrote quite a lot ne ~ ....

well i guess that's about it ...

Until my next entry ..jya ne !

Monday, February 28, 2011

What is Emo? Try to understand it ~

Well for the past few months I've emerged from being emo ~

Many things happened and some people FINALLY understand what was going on !

I bet you think people WANT to be emo because it's cool and in trend right?

Emo isn't dressing up in all punk-like clothing with dark make up ! it's more like a style!

Emo is short for emotional ~ An unstable state of mind ~

reasons for it?

for me it was DRASTIC change of normal life being thrown out of my world .

Sometimes it's because you're trying to be strong for too long and you have a break down ( very ugly thing to happen)

Being put to the test in many various ways ...and things don't happen the way you want it every single time ~


there are reasons behind it ...influence from friends ? music ? those reasons are BS and not why people become EMOTIONAL !


There is also a drastic difference between dressing EMO, Visual Kei and Lolita ...

The difference is STATE OF MIND !

Emo : people dress with all black and punk like because? They are hiding their emotions in all that

Visual Kei & Lolita : Is a style! To show their own creativity in dressing with extraordinary clothes . Basically for eye candy . NOT a state of mind ! and of course is based in Harajuku , Japans ( and also considered the world's) fashion centre !


I guess i have nothing interesting today ...

To Senpai ...i'll tell you what happened when we have the time ne ~ Same to Yuki chan ^^

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Morning people !

Well morning is almost over for most people ...but it just started for me ~

I kinda had insomnia last night ! surprising right? dirnking what i drank ( even in little quantity) would have aid in an easy slumber !

But it was the opposite...internet problems seems to keep me up and awake all the time !

Yes ! I've been stressed out because of it ! Technological stress sucks big time !

Well when the internet finally got kinda stable Jun was asking questions on twitter !

just skip this part id you don't wanna read my tweet happenings ! boring for a person that don't know Alvino's guitarist lol who used to jam beside Aiji of LM.C for 10 years !

Twitter ← encrypt code !

nyhoo....I think i'm having PMS?


yeah and Yuki really lent me her ears and cheered me up a lot ! plus he help me " chu thou" ...or in english speak out on my behalf !

relly mean a lot to me !

she got me this cute thing!!

looks like a pig that has been flattened !

I should try these later on ! and order another serving of mashed potatoes ! ♥ Yuki's order...i ordered the regular XD

I kinda made this when the internet was down to calm my mood !

so this will go to YUKI ! XD we'll have a pair ! only =_+"" i failed to make the body !

Well, i guess i blogged long enough !!! hehe sorry for not updating all the time !!

lastly ! Shout out to senpai ! i give all my good luck to you !!!

plus ! Tonight ! LM.C pv premier ! they are gonna feature the PV for 5 days in the official facebook page !!

looking forward to it ! ♥