Monday, February 28, 2011

What is Emo? Try to understand it ~

Well for the past few months I've emerged from being emo ~

Many things happened and some people FINALLY understand what was going on !

I bet you think people WANT to be emo because it's cool and in trend right?

Emo isn't dressing up in all punk-like clothing with dark make up ! it's more like a style!

Emo is short for emotional ~ An unstable state of mind ~

reasons for it?

for me it was DRASTIC change of normal life being thrown out of my world .

Sometimes it's because you're trying to be strong for too long and you have a break down ( very ugly thing to happen)

Being put to the test in many various ways ...and things don't happen the way you want it every single time ~


there are reasons behind it ...influence from friends ? music ? those reasons are BS and not why people become EMOTIONAL !


There is also a drastic difference between dressing EMO, Visual Kei and Lolita ...

The difference is STATE OF MIND !

Emo : people dress with all black and punk like because? They are hiding their emotions in all that

Visual Kei & Lolita : Is a style! To show their own creativity in dressing with extraordinary clothes . Basically for eye candy . NOT a state of mind ! and of course is based in Harajuku , Japans ( and also considered the world's) fashion centre !


I guess i have nothing interesting today ...

To Senpai ...i'll tell you what happened when we have the time ne ~ Same to Yuki chan ^^