Monday, October 7, 2013

Something mellow maybe?


Since my last entry , I lost 4 tooth and got my braces! Yes! after all these years!

How are you lately? I hope you are coping ! I find it hard sometimes though ! with so much things to absorb in such limited time and brain space !

Feeling a little congested again ....

And I should also ease up on watching sooooooo many crime shows and real life crimes!!

I had a really nerve-wrecking nightmare about a takeover. I was lead , together with a large group of people ( by some sort of militant group) to some other location. There was a passerby. A farmer or something....and then one of them ( the militants)took out his gun and shot the poor guy! They then ordered us to the ground and started randomly shooting people!! Watching and listening to people get shot one by one , not knowing when the bullet will hit you is horrifying!!

           Woke up with a headache ...on a Monday morning ...yeap! I also managed to give myself extra work by spilling my morning coffee all over the table !

On the bright side, I am getting used to eating with the braces and all...and yoga + aerobics helped me clear my mind a little !

Owh well!

Time for a mellow song ?

quote from the lyrics ...find it really nice ~ :)

" For don't you wait ...for the faster you let go , you will receive what you need"