Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tough day ~ ...and no peace and quiet~

I'm getting busier by the day ~

Everything seems to be fine so far~

But then many other things start pouring in ~

I'm so pressured now ~

Not mainly because of assignments , but because of sooo many things happening out and about~

The way people are talking to me ~

The way the world revolves ~


First my PC and pendrive is infected with some recycler virus ~

i know its not from my pc ~

coz my pc is working fine~


Then there is the home thingy going on~

then there is the ..." are you gonna do the shukudai " look on some people's faces after the bad news ~

then there is that text /sms
then the tsumetai face flashed at me by that ubberly rude person ~

i hate it ...

i'm angry ...i'm sad

frustrated ~
and then

about 5 minutes ago... asking me if i took any keys from the keybox

SERIOUSLYYYY...i never touched the keys hung inside !!


keep your things properly...if you loose it just point the finger at yourself....

I'm already pissed off enough ...and i come back as a suspect !!!

i feel like my heart is ripped out and stomped on ....

then i come back for people to pour and rub salt in the already wounded heart ~

*takes deep breath*


" every man has hidden sorrows that the world knows not of ...often , we judge them as cold when all along they are sad "

Some words i read ...that i would like to share ....

coz it reflects me and my life as a whole ~

is it the same for you??


all in all ..i was about to break down when some encouragement came to the rescue !!

Mum , senpai and Mao were there supporting me ~ and reminding me to stay strong ~

Love you Mum...love you senpai...*hugs* you too Mao-san

i decided that i need a rest tonight ~

I'm too tired to think bout assignments now...

maybe i'll strum for Mao-san ...^^

My guitar always makes me feel better ~


Now for news!!

Maya and Aiji are in a plane to the big apple ~ NYC

yes to get the album done with the "best skills available" ~

let's pray that they arrive there safely ~ ^/\^

must be a loooong trip ~


i guess that's it for now...might update with some pics later ...or tomorrow~

Mao is already whining ...he wants to hear Acoustic-san ^^


Matta ne ~

p/s: sorry for causing you all so much trouble ... XOXO

Love you all ~
