Saturday, August 21, 2010

Venom 's'Trip ( promoting a band )

I really like how humble this band is !

Maybe because they are not big yet !



their music is J-pop ?

anyhoo ...their music is great ~

Guves you that 'lightening" mood ?

They should be more famous !

so i'm promoting them

I really wanna go and see them live !

Jun Maruyama ...the support member on Keybords for LM.C tours is one of the member ~

They have a whole range of vids on YT ~

and this vid made my day !

And this is their latest song

Credits : Their official Youtube site !!

i mentioned in my previous blog bout Jun and i tought " someone that good on keyboards might be in some growing band " and i'm right!!

actually i'm just happy to that fact that Jun- san ( or should i say 'kun'?) followed me back on twitter !!

Makes you feel like this band is really down to earth !

I hope they get big and famous ...yet still ( as hard as it is ) stay grounded ~

Let me know what you think bout the music and Venom's' trip !

i love their logo !

I guess you can say their music is "street live " material !

but they still rock !

many instruments !! me likey !!

go Venom's'trip !