Throughout this week and also the coming week , i'll be very busy because of assignment rush and all !
I have like ...many pages to go before i complete my 35 page assignment ..
Well ...mum keeps telling me that i always expect the best from myself ....
maybe she's half right...because i became frustrated of spending an entire day in the library a month or so ago to write 4 pages of quality writing...entrely from my thoughts !
So i pushed this heavy load assignment to the very back !
Date line is friday 3pm !
and i still have around * counts* 28 pages to go ~ more or less
can you believe ! 35 pages for only 10 marks !
I'm tempted to copy paste...but that's really not my nature ....
I'd rather spend my lonely nights doing it !
It turns out that i have to teach this friday !
so soon !
and i haven't prepare anything..and i'm sooo rushing for assignments !
So i hope the teaching blood in me just comes naturally ....
I know i have it in me to teach !
I always shake when i present !
and forget a word or two !
But when taught for 3 minutes last semester ...i was myself !
so ...wish me luck ! XD
I was thinking...
in less than 2 years ( during practical) ..i'll be asking students to call me cikgu...
I remember one of the teachers form my HS ! ...she wants her students to call her Sensei !
Maybe i will ask my students to call me that when i officially become a teacher !
but before that...i wanna use my Late father's name ....Chen
so ...i'll introduce myself as Cikgu Chen ~ ( yoroshiku ne !)
Cikgu T***** is just too wired !! lol
In addition to that
you might wanna get some tissues ....
coz ...
I just can't believe this is what maya and Aiji were discussing bout their costumes !
i'm not sure if things really happened ...and costumes were wrongly made or spoiled ...or they where just joking
lm.c's new single is due to release October 27 th this year !! MORE THAN A YEAR AFTER THE RELESE OF THEIR LAST !
LM.C always offers something brand it will be like receiving a present !
YAY might wanna get that tissue now ~
seriously ...XD
ummm...or you might re-consider ...maybe you have the password and don't wanna click??
disclaimer : I don't own that pic...i kinda lost the person who posted it while i was browsing in tweeter ~
i don't like the pic !!! nyah~
it's from SHOXX july issue?
EDITTTTT: LOL....3am now !!! ...THAT WAS AIJI BACK IN 2001 ..pffft ! mistake...i was right in the first place ...haha ....maybe Aiji was talking bout the past ne ~ ..haha..lalala
really shoxx ing ~ big pic lagi !
but then Maya and Aiji were talking bout it ~
well...i have to thank senpai....coz she seems to be the only one who can handle my fangirling :p
I've gotten over the "aiji replied my tweet" thing....
and i'm not excited bout that hidden post either !
Just surprised that it's out after only 1 day after the photoshot...
If i didn't follow them in tweeter ...i'd assume that that pic is from back in the days when Aiji -san is still with his old band Perriot ~ ( fan serviceback then... is ...kinda disturbing )
all 3 of us were stressed up ~
I can tell it ....
coz we ordered restaurant style food ...not individual plates...
had a little fun with the soup
and also the leftover raw veges and sauce !
David was refilling soup for us ....
and said to YUKI ...: here need to eat more meat ! * gets meat from soup*
to me : and you need more veg since you're sick

Sorry for the lousy quality ...we've eaten halfway before i remembered to take a pic ..and it isn't 't nice to ask them to stop eating because i wanted to get a pic !
Tips for newbies on taking pics and vids :
I'm gonna start putting watermarks in after this !
I saw my pics being stolen and not given credits ... a couple of times so ~
to newbies on blogs
know that pics are a bloggers copyright !
don't try to erase watermarks .If you don't know where you got the pics from , leave a disclaimer~
I'm not so keen on stuff like that ...but some bloggers might not be too happy to see their pics being taken....
anyhooo ~
no worries for my pics ...because all pics after this will be watermarked ....and copyrighted to Miyuki's Monochrome World ....
please and thank you ^^
i'm finally feeling sleepy...
so i'm gonna try to get a few hours of sleep before i continue my work ^^
jya ~ ...matta ne ~
-Miyuki yori-