Today class was cancelled ! so i'm already back at this time ~
Went to do some grocery shopping just now .
Somehow i'm spaced out today for some reason . haha
Anyhoo...managed to snap this before the bus arrived . One week before CNY and we can finally see some decorations at campus,

Well ....CNY is near ...obviously i'm not celebrating .
But still Have a Bountiful Year of the Rabbit to all readers who are celebrating ♥
I'm glad no one feels uneasy talking bout new year celebrations in front of me =)
Makes it a lot easier too ^^
2 lessons learnt today .
I should have trusted my first instincts and let the lady pay first even though my basket was with a friend and he got there first .
The lady put up a extremely sour face . like "i'm soooo gonna eat you" kind of face ....kinda scary .
But it was really an honest misunderstanding .What i did was really not intentional . I only had 3 stuff to pay for so is that 2 minutes of waiting worth showing that evil face ?
On my side : I should have let the lady pay first since she is older that i am and secondly she got there first even though my friend has my groceries at the counter .
On the lady;s side : I'm really sorry that i didn't let you pay first and it was my mistake .^^"" i think i'm gonna have nightmares. An uneasy face is reasonable...but that face was really scary !
*sigh* sometimes it's worth the wait to spare a bad day . And even if someone should cut me in line i'll get mad . Natural human response . But be sure not to pull a really sour face okey? it's just 5 minutes wait ..tops !
Lesson two
And don't judge people just because they act/ look/ dress oddly .
I had my fair share of these experience that i managed to overcome somehow .
Listen up people . Don't act like you have the upper hand or you are better that another . Because having pride and keeping an ego isn't really a good thing. We are all the same . But some probably less fortunate than the other .
Don't degrade people !
yeah people might think "owh this person is cool" when you act all cocky and have more style that the other .
feels nice no? But no one will be helping you up when you fall . and a person full of pride and ego wouldn't let anyone pick them up. At the end these people will end up with nothing but shame.
These people have no idea how much is going on around them . In fact i feel sorry for them and they probably act that way because of society rejecting them . I don't know coz who am I to judge ?
They might say a thing or two bad about people maybe because they aren't confident inside .
Which is why being humble is better . It brings upon more joy
Do you remember?
When we fall the chance of falling gracefully is slim .
No one likes a show off .
When a person full of pride falls , they'll feel bad and angry of themselves because they fell.
A humble person , when they fall, it's like " oh well " and laugh it off continue on with life .
PRIDE is one of the 7 deadly sins .
No one person is better than the other and not one soul is allowed to judge the other .
The power to judge depends on Him and Him alone .
It's hard not to judge . I know . But here's a tip ! i use this . When you start staring down on a person . That's where it starts . STOP there and distract yourself with something else .
A person wearing odd fashion, looking , acting strange , speak in a high tone ...what so ever . Stop there !
No one feels nice when they are judge .
Like the lady with the sour face.....( i'm already judging...see we judge all the time)
She might have had a bad day . Who knows ? Having a sour face there and then might actually be reasonable right?
Weather it's older people or younger , strange or odd people , people you hear rumors about ....they are all the same . Like you and me . Respect them and remember to be humble ....