Saturday, November 13, 2010

"coffee hangover"?? lol..korean meeeeeeeeeeeee

Hello my dearly beloved readers...

before anything ....Gomennnnnn!

i haven't been posting any thing interesting lately ....

this is the exam month so...i guess it's a good excuse


exams always comes with 2 things and "panda eyes"← you know what i mean ! XD

to begin with I'm no coffee drinker !


turning form a non coffee drinker to drinking 3 cups in 2 days crazy

i understand now why people can be kinda addicted to this stuff ....

I'm trying my best to stay awake and not go back to bed now ...and not opening that cabinate with Old Town white coffee ( the only instant coffee i'd take )

I drink nescafe in a can like once in a 100 years ...!! ( okey maybe not 100 years but i can count the times i drink that so far ...4 times in my whole life time both because i was desperate to stay up ! )

so i tried resisting drinking coffee yesterday,..but i was too weak not to!

and yeah...=_=

like i said in yesterday's post ...i mentioned it didn't i...

side effects kicked in this morning....i couldn't stay awake ! i woke up for my morning drink ( plain water at 6 or 8am tops) then back to bed...thenat around 11 am i went back to sleep again ..

here i am after finishing the other type of Korean Noodles ~

Spicy flavour last night and also U-dong flavour ( today's lunch)

Click for a bigger pic XD

Somehow the pic of this packaging got deleted and i'm lazy to re-upload XD

anyhoo this is the "clear soup" base one called U-dong flavour ( Korean Udon?) same flavour as the spicy only this one isn't spicy XD

Super spicy ( probably the cause of my flu and sore throat today XD)

I don't recommend to calorie counters out there though ^^"" it's like 2 servings ! means for 2 people ...and it's over 400 calories . i went over my calorie count yesterday since i ate take away afternoon :p


If you so happen to read this pleas say a prayer or support Kinzoku's vocalist Dino /Otata chan

AKA my beloved senpai ^^

there is a big event at her place ....( don't want to reveal too much)

so please give all your support to her !

Shes gonna look pretty with Dong Ha by her side...

what? who is Dong Ha?? keke

It's this handsome young man !
sorry girls hes already taken !! XD....he stole senpai's heart !


Ueeeeehehhhhhhh!!!!he has flowers for Senpaiii!!

Takeru should get me some * in envy mode *


anyhoo...ganbate for exams and also life all !

Miyuki より

Friday, November 12, 2010

Gah ! Flu exams ! what else?? take a deep breath and smile :)

Everyone turned into pandas of the past week ( and will continue to too! lol)

Konichiwa ~

First of all

before anything

Just saw a disappointing post in FB !

and it's not senpai ~

Senpai's emoness is like Low level compared to what i just red ~

I have to admit ~ ...being EMO is not something you don;t want to be at times ( which some people don't get ...aka Akane )...

but it seems to me like an explosion saying " COME AND PITY ME IM SAD" it;s a little overdone

you rather die ? well it;s common to say "i wanna die" or "i wanna fade away"

saying you'd rather have a bad illness is plain SELFISH !

for once people !

think about what you have !!!


sigh ...anyway

yeah ...i'm not very much myself these days

lol...i do things the last minute and pulled all nighters all week !

when you are not a coffee drinker can have a big side effect!

well monday's paper was a success ...( i can say that)

But tuesday's paper was a huge dissapointment !

I really really tried my best !!!

but unfortunately i have to learn the hard way that things sometimes just don't go the way you expect it to go !

Sulking and regretting won't get me anywhere ~

So i'm moving on to the next 4 papers ^^



About the coffee?

yeah withnin 2 days i downed 3 cups of coffee ...

yeah's like a drug to me ~

yes it keeps me awake and studying ...but everything else become chaos !

it's like coffee hangover !! @_@

i studied 6-7 hours straight !

and when i got to the test ..there were so many different types of curve that i can't rememer which which !

then yesterday !

it's either coffee hangover or some kind of effects for pulling all nighters !

My body shut down completely!! even till this morning !

no energy not even will power !

i didn't have my shot of coffee yesterday coz i slept the whole day !

But this morning i just cant take it anymore !!!

i was having some kind of flu..been sneezing and dizzy ( still dizzy !!)

and my appetite is low !

so i drank another cup...flet better after that ...but the side effects will come soon !


i hope i can resist myself !

coffee hangover isn't nice with me ~

my "putar belit" blog post confirms this @_@



i neeed to get some rest so i can continue to study !

Monday's paper is EVIL!!!!!! EVIL I TELL YOU !!!


Hugs and kisses to senpai !

Kinzoku ! ..we'll defenately do that some day ♥

or even go to an ALICE NINE tour togeather !

OR if possible ....( quite impossible ) but still ...not a big fan ot The Gazette ...but ...if they really come here ! i don't mind opening my ears to a little more heavy guitar riff just to see senpai ! ^^