Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Life so far? MY FIRST RIDE !!!

It would be unfair to you to say that I am tired , busy and exhausted ... because I bet you feel the same way too right? Who Isn't? haha

Anyhoo...I feel as if my brain is clogged up!! But I feel better after a good shower and writing an entry ...with a cat on my lap....Strangely, is sitting up straight looking at the computer screen as I type!! nyan !

Big issues lately? well you've read them all in the papers and seen them in the news right? so i'll bore you if I start talking about those issues  ( like haze and all)

"stolen pic form other websites" haha
So how's life you ask me?

I'm getting my first carrrrr!! well, I waited for almost a month now since I decided and booked it ....

I thought I'd get it on the 22nd but no ! and they said Wednesday ....which is today....They also mentioned that I'd have to wait at least 1  to 2 months for the body kit and chrome parts to be ordered form Japan since it was out of stock (and because it was a limited colour ....can you imagine!! grey as a limited color!!!)So what can I do but wait and anticipate for today right?? XD

I had a workshop today ...and during the lunch break I made a beeline to the  car and headed home for my "nasi lemak" which mum promised me she'd get ... and also news for my car !!

Alas ... they forgot to reserve the number I wanted . Now they had to get it from another small town ...which means ...I won't get it today ! ... GOOD NEWS is ...they found another branch with the body kit and chrome parts in stock!! YAY !! I'm hoping to get it tomorrow ... but I doubt it... I don't have to wait much longer so *clapps*

how bout you? Do take care because of the haze ... !!!

Well my eyelids are falling which means ..........................................Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
( ̄、 ̄@)zzz・・ねるよー