
Today is a Friday~ (duh!)
i slept late and woke up pretty late too~ Because of the nice weather ~
This week was one of the worst week for this semester ~ especially Tuesday~
Its wasn't entirely because of the incident in Uny~ ( some sort of argument broke out)
It was an accumulation of everything ! The stress the worries , so much more ~
Maaaa iika ~
That's why i took today to forget everything ~
but i guess i can't
Wanna thank you guys for cheering me up though!
senpai wasn't around ~ but i have her in mind ~ ( Mao here to remind me she's doing her best so i should too)
when hard times come are also reminded who your true friends are ~
Those who really care , and those who just pretend they give a D*mn !
Forgive my harsh language ~ ^^""
I was angry and frustrated with myself ~
I was angry also because the only person here who knows the reason i am so emotional can't comprehend my situation and poured kerosene into the flame that i was trying to put out within me~
I felt that it was my mistake ~
telling what i shouldn't have told ~
I'm sorry to you guys who are curious about what's going on behind my busy and assignment filled life ~ behind the smiles and behind the expressionless face i put up...
Gomen ~
I'm afraid that if people find out , i will be weaker~
I'll just have to stay strong ~
I here by ~ promise myself...that i will NOT use "that" excuse for being weak ~
Because it will make me suffer ~
I will act like i never told about it~
I will act like no one knows ~
I skinned my knee and i felt a new type of pain ....
But i will get up a stronger person ~
Burying myself in assignment will be the best solution ~
i don't mind if i do it all ~
i just want to forget reality ~
Turns out i can run away from it after all~
OKEYYYYYY!! enough with the emo talk!! *takes deep breath*
The weak Miyuki is DEAD !!!
now for LM.C and guitar talk ^^
My poor fingers (and neighbors) have to suffer when i'm trying to relese some steam ^^
My beloved acoustic " boyfriend" here is the only thing that could calm my soul ~ ^^
Oh~ and about the blog entry title ~ ^^
Chemical King-Twoon is a LM.C song from their album
I love the guitar solo part that by "Mizui-san" and i absolutely love h
ow they added the black splatter into the video !
It's makes you feel the vibes from the guitar strumming ~
here are a few screen shots ^^

And YES!! Yamazaki-san's V-series ESP guitar !!! the one he used befor LM.C was formed ..during his time with Miyavi!
And the black splatter/swirls and all ^^..the video editor and director did good!
oh just to remind you guys out there .... both are straight guys ( not gay)....^^""
Even though Masahito-san did reluctantly get a few kisses from Miyavi ~ X-x

The "HA!" before Aiji's Amazing solo!!!

Aiji's SOLO!

"Never let me down- Before it's too late.
Tonight, let we go- Before it's too late.
Never let me down- Before it's too late."
Never let me down- Before it's too late."
do forgive him
^^"" you guys must be thinking .."Gosh!! she listens to THIS type of songs ??!!"
yea..i'm not your typical girl next door~ like i said ~ i have a monochrome world ~
What is "monochrome" you ask???
well, you'll just have to wait for my next entry ~
Ja , matta ne ~