Friday, February 4, 2011


Well if you know what happened to me and my family you'd probably guess that we aren't celebrating it this year ~

It's not out of "pantang" but more out of respect ~

It's less than a year and to think that last year we still spent it happily.

I could never bring myself to watch the lion dance vid again.


But CNY is supposed to be happy right ?

sorry for not updating my blog !

no pics so far .... I've been working on the website and also case study the past week ~

so busy with stuff ~


Saw many people dress pretty and also in full make up!

New Year is always good right?

Most importantly is the time we spend with our family !

Who knows? the world might end tomorrow ?

So try to cherish the times we have with friends and family okey?

I'll will be back and blogging when i have some more interesting pics ^^

Really sorry ! coz i have no interesting pics lately !!!



Designed and drew this from starch !! I actually got a great idea for the website from emma ...and everything is based on Tidus !

Everyone will have to wait to see what i have done with the website ~

I plan on doing a good one this time around ! I'm back on my feet and my motivation i had is back !

Miyuki is back on her feet and ready to take on the WORLD !

I've been in the sad "faze" for too long effecting lots of things in my life particularly my assignment and result !

No more ! My new year resolution is to get back on my feet !

Back on my feet am I !

Gonna show what Kinzoku is made of ! so BRING- IT - ON !

lol ...any hoo ~ something i designed for my website ! and also for this blog ! Happy New Year everyone !