hopefully you all out there don't bash me for not updating my blog !
just that i'm kinda caught up with stuff this week !
hectic week and i spent many days more that 12 hours in uny!!
i thought i had nothing to write about and honestly i have tonnes to update!
mooncake festival....my 2 weeks at home , and also todays ordeal ...lol
where shall we start...hmm...
I guess it'll be the holidays first ^^
Mum is always generous when it comes to spending food and snacks i like ~

I actually asked for 1 moon cake... but mum actually bought
2 so that i can get the box!
I guess she can see my eyes light up when I saw the boxes !
Thanks mum!
well she also splurged on expensive snacks like nougats and also a bag of mini sneakers ( my #1 fav chocolate!)
It's not about these stuff she buys for me ...it's like ...well ...she don't mind spending a little more money on me and my sis if it makes us happy ~
I guess you can call that the natural love of a parent ...
when we were young but old enouth to understand how things work ...we would worry if we are spending too much of our parents money !
my parents never make us worry bout that ! " you just study hard" is all they ask for ...and its also for our future ~
Back then i was probably to young to understand that simple phrase ~
well how did a pic of a mooncake end up in such a long explanation ? XD
anyhoo ....won't you just give your mum and dad a hug or a kiss ...even a simple thank you ?
for actually bringing you up to be who you are today?
hey! they may be misunderstanding and all at times ...but they love us unconditionally ~ more than anything in this world !
You all know how much i love my garden at home right !
mum keeps it neat and weed free..hand picking weeds, trimming and gardening ~
I love to do that too !
and i love what nature gives back when you nurture it !
Dad 's favorite flower ~
roses always remind me of my late father ...
it's only been 5 months ....it still feels so unreal ....
i'm still having dreams about normal life with him even though he's alive in my dreams ..i'm conscious that he is "gonna die" or " already gone"....
owh...gomen ~ ...^^ ..i'm not sad ..just mellow ~
shall we move on to another flower?
A whiff of this flower and i'm in love with it...mum says my great granma used to put this flower on her hair ....
plus..there's a mandarin oldies song for this flower too !
yes it's the Jasmine flower ! ^^
Mum got this from some colleague of hers ~
i forgot what this is called and i need help !
something like rebena ?? starts with "R" ....rose..something ~
lol ! isn't the internet so informative these days !!
Ribena !!
it's called roselle but an unknown type
read THIS ^^ it's kinda informative ! ^^
we actually got a whole BIG bag of these !
one will make one cup of drink ~ ^^
More pictures !
i mean mum's car is NEVER decorated with thinggymajigies !
but this guy is the exception !
we first saw it in aunt's car and everyone is fascinated by the mechanism and the way it moves!
usually in these things ..only the head wobbles! but this thingy here has 2 mechanisms built in so the body and the head moves independently and not together !
my piggy mechanism shakes it's head and body too ! but it only has one mecanism ..so when the head stops the body stops too ....
THE FROG IS SOOOOO DIFFERENT ! and it has personality too !
i took vids and will compile a series of ...well interesting vids to go with it ! XD
so wait for it ne ~ !
you know i bought and chose this for a reason right !!
If you were thinking "sentimental piggy romance" ...well...YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT !!!
So how did you all sped mid-autumn festival??
well i remember all 3 of my mid-autumn celebration ! away from my family ~
First one was with via and her ex at Wagamama ...not the best Japanese meal choice ...but one of my first experience at a japanese restaurant XD
last year was at the Moon cake festival event !
it's like a japanese celebration where we have japanese mini games , chinese dance performances, and of course GOOD FOOD!
Takoyaki was the best !
the pics are still up on my FB account XD
i felt so much like wearing a yukata there !!!
this year the initial plan was order at a chinese restaurant near my place...
well..problems with having so many people join in is the decision making
after a series of uncertainties ....we ended up in 1 Borneo ....
AT...jang jang !! SUSHI KING !
if you choose the right dish at the right time with the right people and the right promotion ...you've got yourselves a decent dinner and a pleasant meal for a japanese fanatic !
I never really Fancy japanes food but this udon bentou set is the exception !
It's a bit of everything...in small portions !
so you don't get...um... "tired" on chewing on the same textures and flavours !
Like in wagamama ....the ham cheese roll was kinda ...well tiering after the 2nd peace
i guess you know what i mean?
jang jang !

it comes with 2 free RM 3 sushi from the belt and also green tea ice cream!!!
as of today...my fav ice-cream flavour is GREEN TEA !
the bitterness just gives you that kick of satisfaction !
Now...what is moon cake festival without a moon-cake...
i was planning on sharing the 2 moon cakes i had with friends during dinner ... but we went to SK right after classes
so i never got to share it ! :/
i ate it last night ....and it's so fresh!
and soft...the plastic knife cut through it easily !
white lotus with single egg yolk !
yum yum...i had 2 pieces and the rest is in the fridge ~
another piece is left untouched ! ....nyan ~
as for today....ah.... wait ~
yesterday.. ( now is almost 1 am XD )
i went straight to 1 B after class was cancelled and ...* skips long unnecessary story *
anyhoo class was cancelled due to power problems....the electricity keeps going on and off !
Initially...we planned to go today...i pulled Miwako ( my short but extremely kawaii friend) to watch a 3d movie with me since it is already available in 1B last month !
I wanted to watch a good action movie ....but none are on...and she watched Resident Evil ....so we opt for the only other thing that would watch ...( don't bother asking about piranha...coz seriously....i wasted rm 9 NOT watching final destiny 4 last semester XD...lol..so 3D is totally out !)
we opted for some kiddie movie ...Legend of the Guardians
anyhoo...i was worried that a person wearing speaks will have problems with 3D viewing coz i did some research before hand and some say it doesn't work while some say it does !
Well ^^ it worked for me ! yay...
well the movie started and they showed a trailer for the comming Narnia movie ...it was really nice being able to feel like snow is really falling....
then the movie started with an appetizer .... a road runner and coyote in 3D ...not much effects ..but we all enjoyed it! I kinda like it because there are no scratches like usual movies ....
everything went dark!!!!
Seems like the power problem is in my UNY and in the LARGEST MALL IN BORNEO !
i've heard of this happening in KL from a friend and she said that she had to line up to get a refund !
i was expecting otherwise ...i was expecting the generator to rumble and we could go back to watching the movie ....
but alas ....my prediction came true ...someone came in and said the movies are cancelled !!
well i lined up to get my re fund and like in uny ...the power went on...and off ..several times..most of the time it was off ! ... and it happened all day !
but not where i'm staying though! Thank God ! ♥

Next up is this futon !
mine is already old and dirty so i got a new more expensive and ...lol
LACEY one !!! XD
like a quilt! and gives that warm classic "english tea" feeling XD
RM 13.90 for something interior decor and comfort ! XD

1 Borneo always has a theme and this time it's ...King TUT???
i have no idea ...but this is the only display in the entire mall !
i went to the book store later and found that this month the NatGeo magazene is talking bout King Tut's DNA ~
i watch a documentary bout it and it was kinda informative ~
about how too much inter-marriages...which the royalties thought could preserve their royal blood is actually killing the royalties because of the sickness that accumulates ( no new immunities and all )....and also king tut's family tree XD
well ..nice display ...and worth taking a pic with...i don't usually take pics of the displays XD but this one is eye-catching enough !
..................my 365 project has been on hiatus but i have tonnes of pics taken to get some blogging material! pics afre important in blogging right ??lol
so here are the randoms !
This is what i usually order i can't find anything else i like on the economy rice corner in the Library's shokudo (cafe)
chicken chop rice ~
My 2mp camera isn't that bad at capturing during good lighting ne ~ ! ♥
lol...i spread some roselles on the dining table during the holidays to test the camera that i broke and repaired ...the stabilizer is busted ...but it's still works fine under good lighting !

4 of the 8 plates of sushi we got !
4 of us ordered the udon bentou so we got to share 8 plates of rm 3 sushi !! YAY

I present you my fav flavour !
I want some so badly now ...
they sell it at Vedablue...but at 5.60 per scoop!! @_@ i'd rather have that with another udon bentou !
well ...XD ..that looks like veg with some beef or something right??
but no ! that's actually vegetarian lamb with extremely fresh greens !!! me likey !
the lamb is actually mushroom stalk XD ...not as nice as actual lamb but i love the vege !!
it's clean and fresh !
this is where i usually take dinner with YUKI ~
though i get tired of it sometimes :/..because of all the artificial flavours & colouring ...
nyhooo...WOW...it's a long entry ...i hoped i entertained you dear readers XD
and i'm sorry to those that are waiting for me to post !
and thanks for reading...happy weekend all ! ♥