Friday, August 6, 2010

Iro iro na mono ♥

kooonichiiiwaaaaa ~

how's everyone this Friday night ( almost Saturday morning desune ~)

i woke up at around 10 am desu...had breakfast ...

seriously !! i prefer jacobs hi-fiber biscuit compared to chips more !! Chips more getting too sweet for me =_=


anyhoo...i slept back at around 12...

till around 4pm ..?? when mum called XD....

my voice changed !!

because i have slight flu ~

not much of rain today ...but very strong wind 0_0


this migt be or might not be a long blog so prepare yourselves!!


first off is SUG !

intro dane ~

seems like I've made senpai interested in SUG ( ^^/ *waves *)

member historyyyy ~

hmmm ...
click HERE to discover the real age of Sug members ne ~ XD

though Shinpei's age is still unknown XD

This is the updated one ne ~


* Tokyo Muzical Hotel (9 March 2009)

* "Koakuma Sparkling" (30 June 2010)
*"R.P.G ~ Rockin' Playing Game" (1 September 2010)

Member introoooo ~ ♥

All info from other sites ne~

you can find out if interested..i'll just give my own impression on them it better that way??

The whole concept of the band is " heavy postitive Rock'

but since Mitsuru left the band ..their song concept have change to a lower tone ...which is bad news for some ..but good news to me ~

Coz i wasn't that interested ...i only like a few singles ( which is those after Mitsuru left other than 39Galaxyz)

found out later that the songs i liked were all from 2009 and 2010

I downloaded the first 3 album and :/

then i downloaded Tokyo Muzical Hotel and *________________________*

i'm in love !



Member introooo ↓ ↓↓ ↓

Takeru↓ ↓↓ ↓

Takeru ~

He has a signature smile ~

a really wide one ~ can notice it it most of the PV's

to me there are certain angels ( esp side angle) where he resemble Mao form SID

all the fashion and concepts come form this thug ~ XD

even the name Sug ( pronounced as Sagu ..silent U ) tought out by him ~

He's only 23 !!!

and starred in a movie i think ~

And he can do beat boxing too ! 0_0

just a package of talent ! Did i mention he dances too!??

Yuji↓ ↓↓ ↓

edit**!!Guitar no Masato ← wrong XD

this guy here kinda have a funny-cool chara

his guitar playing isn't as complicated as Shinji or aiji's...but i like the his energy in all the PV's !!

i have to admit ! the energy in these PV's are great !

there is energy in SID and LM.C ..but not as high !!

all in all i like his style ( movement?) when he plays the guitar ♥

owh ..he is the louder one in the group XD

0_0 his b-day is the same with Senpai's!!

October 21st desu!!!

Chiyu↓ ↓↓ ↓

Bassist ~

One of my fav members but i'm still re-considering!!
he is the tallest of them all !!

smokes ...

but he is a good looking bassist ( GOMEN AKI-KUN)

also..the energy is good ^^

he is turning 27 this year

the oldest member desu ne ~

he's a little bullyish and KNOWS that he is good looking XD

Masato ↓ ↓↓ ↓


I don't intend this in any bad way but he is kinda sweet ^^

cute and funny

he has a girly aura ~ ^^

sometimes he plays lead but mostly is Yuji

he raps good to ( in Five Stars PV XD )

he'd make a good friend ^^

i'd say he's the kind one XD

Shinpei↓ ↓↓ ↓

New member desu ~

entered the group less than a year ago...

11 months ago to be exact !

very very small size !! imagine only my height!!

and he is thin too !

always have a headphone on ~

cute in a way where he is tiny and tries his best to speak out XD

Drum playing rocks !

Mitsuru was kinda cold , dark and cool

he brings the 'cute' and the j-pop aura into Sug i guess ~ hehe

He's sometimes not so sure ( or seems akward) in comments ..but i think Sug will grow on him XD

All in all ..they are all happy-go- lucky ..there is no one that is "cool ,calm and collected"

Mituru was but he left the band because Sug's music kinda shifted ( like i said)..i guess he is more to the heavy rock type ne ~

They all joke around and are very random !! when you watch their vids can only smile ^^
Basically i can devide them into 2 XD

Takeru Yuji and Chiyu are the funny loud ones XD

Shinpei and Masato are actually the same but less outspoken XD but they joke around too

wanna see a cute and funny comment??

XD for today's blog ne ~

Honestly speaking i haven't been to town or the mall ..even after 1 month returning here @_@

but i'm spending quite a lot in Guardian XD

walking distance form my place kara ~

Yesterday did the sakura mask

today is lavender XD

since the sakura mask can be used daily i felt like trying this today ...


hmm..i'm not so sure ne ~

my skin feels a little oily already ~


Ahhh and i saw the sakura mask add on FB HERE !!!! 0_0

my so called "english tea" XD

i saw Mao constantly posting this kind of pics ..

so i kinda got one myself from a cheapo store ~

really enjoyable drinking from a tea cup ne ~

This made me crave for tea ~


i ate a piece of this

it's good chocolate if you wanna controll your portions

because is not too sweet but sweet enough to take in a piece or two then you'll stop !

bitter sweet chocolate...~ nyan ~ Malaysian made too ~

it's good chocolate if you wanna controll your portions

because is not too sweet but sweet enough to take in a piece or two then you'll stop !

bitter sweet chocolate...~ nyan ~ Malaysian made too ~



pet society changed so much since i stopped playing it ne ~

ppl got so many things @-@

anyway...i changed my pet's name to Shinpei since there is the HEadphone thinggy XD

Hehe ...i wanted to get a picture of peto-Shinpei at the drums but you cant see her when she is drumming XD

I LOVE This wig!!!


As always i'll leave this blog with a PV from Sug that i like ^^

I was browsing and thinking which i shoud post and 0_0

their new PV is OUT squeals ~

at first i was scared that they revert to Heavy rock

but YES!!

this is a good song


one more fact bout Sug!

they love to do the in-line swirly dance XD ( @ 2.23 in the vid )

You'll definitely smile watching this ^^


Dozo ...sorekara Jya matta neeee ~ ♥

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What a looong , exhausting and exciting day !!

Minaaaa ~ kyo genki??

Finally rached home at around 9.30 pm ~

i stayed at Yuki's place for a while before heading to the veg store ...coz it was raining heavily ~

class from 8- 10, 2-4 ,5-6 week will be worse nyahhhh ~



like i said...

today is a combination to a very exhausting day!!

1. most classes

2. the time of the month ~ :p

3. Raining heavily

4. Bus driver picked us up only when it started raining :/

5 . slept less than 3 hours

and 6. =_= my comfortable flat formal shoe is busted ....
Something odd/ funny happened today

between classes ..some of my coursemates went to the blood drive and donated some blood


I want to donate too! nyan ~ =3=

i heard that it is good for generating new blood cells in the body??


i was in the library finishing of the last few pages of assignments ~

Lucy went to find some info for her article ...Albee on the other hand was summoned to another meeting...

I ate lunch alone today since everyone was busy ~


David , Albee and a few other ppl went to the blood drive *__* after their meeting

Albee came in during afternoon class and said ..."i fainted" 0_0

" and David's blood vessel broke XD"

i was o-o

so she told me that David got up too early and was carrying his lappy when blood started gushing out 0_0 ~

he went back to consult the ppl there and Albee helped to wipe blood away ... suddenly she felt dizzy and fainted !!

she said she donated twice before ~ but dunno y she fainted today...

The people there told her that she didn't take breakfast and it caused her to faint...even though she had just taken lunch ~ konyara ...

tama tama desuka?? i just taled bout how important breakfast is in my previous blog


hmm...some of you might notice that i stayed up till the wee hours of the morning ~

Doing the last of the 20 pages *___*

drinking coffee mixed with a piece of chocolate to boost my mood and avoid mood swings ....

which did actually work because despite today's situation my mood is still cherry ~ ♥

Speaking of cherry XD ....


hehe...been deliberating weather to get this or not for a long time...

well if the Nevia one is at a discount i would have gotten it ( like i did last time) but now it's a little expensive ..though i really enjoyed using the Sparkling white mask ~

This mask is cheaper by X2 and also on discount ~

there were apple ( for refining pores) and also alovera ...most for moisture , tonner and relaxing...firming ...different flavour

being a Japanese stuff enthusiast XD

i decided to get this ..even though i wanted to get the pore refining one ~

since my motive now is to get smoother fairer skin..XD

it " whitens" and sparkles too ..

but it's alo X2 drier than Nevia and ...=3= it's dosent fit the face as nicely as Nevia ~

but after using it ...and rubbing in the access skin feels smooth ...nevia makes the face feel moisturized....

I realized one thing though....people with oily skin like mine ..yes ..needs oil control face wash..but you can use it with moisturizing range of toners and cream !!

my face dont 'oil' as much these days...maybe partly because of the cold weather but maaa



more sug??

you can skip ths fan girling part XD


i found one song that is simmiar with Ghost †Heart from Lm.c → LED Ghosty from Sug ~

and ..though the maning of Sug's LED Ghosty is not as good as Ghost † Heart , the electro rock in LEd is better *_* ..catchy and awakening when doing late night assignments !!

have a listen ^^...

very electro rock-ish....which is my fav !!

you wanna jump to the guitar jamming !!

tick tock tickk tock .,..use headphones to enjoy the effects ~


so i'll end the song with a slow-ish single by sug??

very colourful ^^


P/s: did you all notice how Takeru ( the vocalist) looks a little like Mao from Sid when he is in the outfit as a bus driver in the Life♥ 2 Die PV??

i wanna know your opinion XD...coz i tought he look like Mao in Oshare kei style ^^

well...Tomorrow is FRIDAYYY!!! and no replacement whatsoever !! yippie !

jya matta ne ~

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Laces !!! >_< and chocolate ...remaining 8 pages ...ganbarimashyoo!

How's everyone today ??... genki??

Before anything ^^

I just wanna give a shout out to Senpai ^^

she made it through all that blood , sweat and tears !!


it makes you happy just reading the blog ^^



somehow i have a sudden craving for these little devils !!

they were calling meeee ~

or ...i called them ~


and i found out "why" after i got back (* ゜ー゜)

We were having a break during Financial econs

and this little guy flew over and walked along my pencil and down ...

it stayed on the book a little while longer and flew off

anyone knows what this little guy is called..??

seems like it dines on honey ( flowers) coz it has some kinda curled thing-y like a butterfly ~ ...

no stinger what are you little guy??

Laces *____*

i have no idea why ...but i like stuff that looks hand made~

with laces ~

i wanna learn sewing (using the a sewing machine)

maybe sometime during the holidays ^^

('▽ `)

then i can probably make an open- ended sleeve'd blouse with laces and all ^^

ah ~ the girly side of me is blooming ~ that a bad thing?? ('▽ `*)

owh ~

just to remind everyone ^^

breakfast and enough sleep is important!!!

i discovered that this semester ~

i was looking all sick and pale for the whole of last semester because of ...i guess you'd know ...

and not eating enough ( 1 meal a day @-@ is insaneee !! ) and also facing insomnia ~

now i make it a point ^^...let's enter Miyuki's daily routine & diet shall we??

my recipe for minimizing temper flares and maximizing concentration ~

jang jang ~ キラキラ~

first of all is settling in early ~

11.30 pm tops if you need to do assignments or just get your mind off things after lecture

wake up early ne ~

before talking brushing your teeth ...a healthy routine i do is drinking a bottle of water ~ because your body isn't hydrated for the past 8 hours or so !

(plenty of water throughout the day is also important !!! for hyping metabolism rate too!!)

if you have time then wait 45 minutes before brushing your teeth and taking breakfast ~

NOW ..breakfast is important!!!

if you don't have time for a cup of coffee and some healthy veg and fruits then grab a packet of biscuit ~ ...they say breakfast like a KING !

and believe me..have a heavy breakfast and your hand wont be itching to grab that bag of potato chips !! XD

I usually wake up early ( if i sleep early) ... make a cup of english tea ..(i'm a tea person XD)...
4-5 almonds ..maybe some carrots or cherry tomato and a packet of high-fiber biscuit ~ not forgeting some slow motivating songs (YUI is good) ...I like J-rock ..but that is for after a tough day and when you need a high boost ! ..YUI is usually for night time before bed and upon waking up ~...XD

if i happen to sleep a little too long XD....a packet of biscuit will do !~

well ...lunch and dinner is also important ...snacking too !

lunch is well ...usually eat out ...same as dinner ..since i have YUKI as company ~ ^^

eat less during dinner though ~

snacks like nuts and hi-fiber stuff are good if you are feeling hungry in between ~

though i then to break some "non-processed..fried " rules ( like chips XD) ..i still talk 3 meals a day ... your weight will be regulated ....

my motive is not to loose weight...just to stay healthy...anyone who have been severely underweight ( like me ) knows how unhealthy it can be to be too thin ~

plus ... a study has shown that fatter ppl ( weight height ratio of 20 - 22 ) live longer compared to thinner ppl !!!

dirnking enough water throughout the day keep's you hydrated , alert ...incerase metabolism rate and ..get this..builds muscle tone !!! wuahaha

You might notice a "tired till i shed tears " post??

well..that was when i only got 4 hours of sleep and missed breakfast ..and i slept at!!

not too good eh ~

proven !!

anyhoo..the point is..a healthy lifestyle keeps you alert for lectures !!

and being optimistic is easier when coupled with a healthy lifestyle ~


who am i now?? a health consultant!!??

nah...i'm just sharing what i experienced stress wise ...and weight wise ...

many people are having eating disorders now and thinking " i eat less i loose more weight"

it's sad ...

because it's not about the weight !! it's about BEING HEALTHY!!!!

plus ...XD a piece of chocolate when stressed can help ~ hehe

i eat chocolate a piece at a time ~ XD

i ran out of chocolate supplies :p

i buy monthly XD ..( EXCUSES EXCUSES !!! )



for the 100 page assignments ..i have 8 more pages to gooo!!

will work hard with music to accompany me ....

YUI songs are great .... slow and relaxing ~

i'm a study with music person too ~

^^ ...i can concentrate on studying / assignments while the music is on...and the headphones block any unwanted distractions ~


have a great day everyone ~

Miyuki より~

Monday, August 2, 2010

New Blog Tempelate desu !

lol ..notice how i crossed our the monochrome ??

well my world is no longer monochrome ~


i'm kinda sleepy now so i'll make it up to you all??

will post a pic of something lacey...tomorrow moring??

I'm a little too exhausted now +_=

i was driven to a point where i got so numb and tired till tears started flowing when i got back ~

as hard as i try to hold my record i can't !! nyaaaaaaaaa!!!


i'll just take it with me and go to sleep

in fact i'm having indigestion now ~ +_+ ....

maybe i'm eating a little too much porridge lately...need more solid food i guess ~


as Visual as " life2die " sounds ( title wise) it is really a song that boosted my mood after a traumatic experience ~

here is a clearer ver of the song i found ^^

enjoy ~

Sunday, August 1, 2010

procrastinating is hard on meeee !!!

how has everyone been lately?

for me....well...

i actually have plenty of free time TO FINISH MY ASSIGNMENTS!

i shouldn't be like that!

learnt lessons and yet i still fall into that trap !


i wasn't like that for the first 2 weeks ...

but i guess i was tired of early morning classes ne ~

plus seeing others laying back isn't easy when you have the 'guilt" genes ~...

i can't really explain the "guilt" genes ..but if you have it then i guess you would understand...

so to speak...if you can't handle the "guilt" genes the way you should'll sink into depression ~


able to handle it well then ...assignments will be done quickly ~

and with a smile at that ~

but seriously ! =_="" 100 pages on something is not easy ~

maaaa ! ....

i guess after this blog i'll make a coup of English tea and do my assignments with Lm.c , SID . YUI and newly discovered Sug songs ~

i wonder why...but since forever my fav bands/ singers are always signed to either Pony Canyon or Sony Music

I guess it's good that Lm.C and Sug are performing togeather in Singapore 0_0

what a coincidence !

Oshare Kei is the best deshyo ^^


pics from my weekly saturday night dinner with Yuki ~

we were running out of things to do so i showed Yuki some visal kei ( or osare kei) and she noticed the extremely heavy make up XD

Sug and Lm.c

and me..always experimenting on the style...put on make up on one of her eyes

eventually we both got into the visual kei style make-up and it became a camwhoring session...XD

of course if i had more time i'd do my hair and also the outfit !


which if you are reading my blog, you'd see my full extent of "experimenting" that i never posted !

so here goes!!

shashin !


oki ..this is the mash potato w
ith a honey cherry tomato on top ^^

the colour quality for close range pics are not good for this cam the fired chicken i fried looks dull XD

jang jang ~

VK make -up

i'd say VK look but this is actually no where near
VK deshyo!

keke ...i kinda messed up the left side make up so XD

I'm not sure if people will be used to my VK look


but i really overkilled this a little

even bought hair wax ..teasing spray ..and tonnes of time to get the VK look right

only good cam to get a good pic at the time...

you ready??

it's a little more that the one in FB ....coz i did a lot more teasing XD

I don't think i dare to get bangs any longer ..even if it is nice when trying out the VK style...bangs just don't suit me that well ~

so ...haha..i wish my hair is like that again ~

short and managable ~

i leave this blog with one of the better songs from SUg ~

gr8 Story

dozo ^^

i actually like only a few songs ~

but i'm yet to discover more

Lm.c is more my style ne ~ XD

innocent and more mature ...

although Sug have their age hidden XD

in short Sug's range of music is beyond the oshare kei look and genre ...

in fact some tecno , voice altering and also ..yes ..believe it or not dancing and a touch of hip hop to go with it XD

i like the new drummer ( shinpei)also the bass player ...Chiyu ( gomen Aki-kun!!) check it out ne ~

jya matta ^^

*makes english tea *