how's everyone this Friday night ( almost Saturday morning desune ~)
i woke up at around 10 am desu...had breakfast ...
seriously !! i prefer jacobs hi-fiber biscuit compared to chips more !! Chips more getting too sweet for me =_=
anyhoo...i slept back at around 12...
till around 4pm ..?? when mum called XD....
my voice changed !!
because i have slight flu ~
not much of rain today ...but very strong wind 0_0
this migt be or might not be a long blog so prepare yourselves!!
first off is SUG !
intro dane ~
seems like I've made senpai interested in SUG ( ^^/ *waves *)
member historyyyy ~
hmmm HERE to discover the real age of Sug members ne ~ XD
though Shinpei's age is still unknown XD
This is the updated one ne ~
* Tokyo Muzical Hotel (9 March 2009)
* "Koakuma Sparkling" (30 June 2010)
*"R.P.G ~ Rockin' Playing Game" (1 September 2010)
Member introoooo ~ ♥
All info from other sites ne~
you can find out if interested..i'll just give my own impression on them it better that way??
The whole concept of the band is " heavy postitive Rock'
but since Mitsuru left the band ..their song concept have change to a lower tone ...which is bad news for some ..but good news to me ~
Coz i wasn't that interested ...i only like a few singles ( which is those after Mitsuru left other than 39Galaxyz)
found out later that the songs i liked were all from 2009 and 2010
I downloaded the first 3 album and :/
then i downloaded Tokyo Muzical Hotel and *________________________*
i'm in love !
Member introooo ↓ ↓↓ ↓

he has a girly aura ~ ^^
He's sometimes not so sure ( or seems akward) in comments ..but i think Sug will grow on him XD
Takeru↓ ↓↓ ↓
Takeru ~
He has a signature smile ~
a really wide one ~ can notice it it most of the PV's
to me there are certain angels ( esp side angle) where he resemble Mao form SID
all the fashion and concepts come form this thug ~ XD
even the name Sug ( pronounced as Sagu ..silent U ) tought out by him ~
He's only 23 !!!
and starred in a movie i think ~
And he can do beat boxing too ! 0_0
just a package of talent ! Did i mention he dances too!??
Yuji↓ ↓↓ ↓
edit**!!Guitar no Masato ← wrong XD
this guy here kinda have a funny-cool chara
his guitar playing isn't as complicated as Shinji or aiji's...but i like the his energy in all the PV's !!
i have to admit ! the energy in these PV's are great !
there is energy in SID and LM.C ..but not as high !!
all in all i like his style ( movement?) when he plays the guitar ♥
owh ..he is the louder one in the group XD
0_0 his b-day is the same with Senpai's!!
October 21st desu!!!
Chiyu↓ ↓↓ ↓
One of my fav members but i'm still re-considering!!
he is the tallest of them all !!
smokes ...
but he is a good looking bassist ( GOMEN AKI-KUN)
also..the energy is good ^^
he is turning 27 this year
the oldest member desu ne ~
he's a little bullyish and KNOWS that he is good looking XD
Masato ↓ ↓↓ ↓
I don't intend this in any bad way but he is kinda sweet ^^
cute and funny
he has a girly aura ~ ^^
sometimes he plays lead but mostly is Yuji
he raps good to ( in Five Stars PV XD )
he'd make a good friend ^^
i'd say he's the kind one XD
Shinpei↓ ↓↓ ↓
entered the group less than a year ago...
11 months ago to be exact !
very very small size !! imagine only my height!!
and he is thin too !
always have a headphone on ~
cute in a way where he is tiny and tries his best to speak out XD
Drum playing rocks !
Mitsuru was kinda cold , dark and cool
he brings the 'cute' and the j-pop aura into Sug i guess ~ hehe
He's sometimes not so sure ( or seems akward) in comments ..but i think Sug will grow on him XD
All in all ..they are all happy-go- lucky ..there is no one that is "cool ,calm and collected"
Mituru was but he left the band because Sug's music kinda shifted ( like i said)..i guess he is more to the heavy rock type ne ~
They all joke around and are very random !! when you watch their vids can only smile ^^
Basically i can devide them into 2 XD
Takeru Yuji and Chiyu are the funny loud ones XD
Shinpei and Masato are actually the same but less outspoken XD but they joke around too
wanna see a cute and funny comment??
XD for today's blog ne ~
Honestly speaking i haven't been to town or the mall ..even after 1 month returning here @_@
but i'm spending quite a lot in Guardian XD
walking distance form my place kara ~

Yesterday did the sakura mask
today is lavender XD
since the sakura mask can be used daily i felt like trying this today ...
hmm..i'm not so sure ne ~
my skin feels a little oily already ~

my so called "english tea" XD
i saw Mao constantly posting this kind of pics ..
so i kinda got one myself from a cheapo store ~
really enjoyable drinking from a tea cup ne ~

This made me crave for tea ~
i ate a piece of this
it's good chocolate if you wanna controll your portions
because is not too sweet but sweet enough to take in a piece or two then you'll stop !
bitter sweet chocolate...~ nyan ~ Malaysian made too ~
pet society changed so much since i stopped playing it ne ~
ppl got so many things @-@
anyway...i changed my pet's name to Shinpei since there is the HEadphone thinggy XD
I LOVE This wig!!!
As always i'll leave this blog with a PV from Sug that i like ^^
I was browsing and thinking which i shoud post and 0_0
their new PV is OUT squeals ~
at first i was scared that they revert to Heavy rock
but YES!!
this is a good song
one more fact bout Sug!
they love to do the in-line swirly dance XD ( @ 2.23 in the vid )
You'll definitely smile watching this ^^
Dozo ...sorekara Jya matta neeee ~ ♥