Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pic talk and dog talk ...

First and foremost more than anything ....

Ohayou !

Woke up because of the noise outside ~

and flu is still going on !

Today i'll just post and talk bout random stuff ~


Today i woke remembering this~

so to speak ... this is not Facebook ~

and i wanna thank those who have the encryption code ~

I know you really care ....^^

Anyhoo ~

after i got that out of my chest !

I'm kinda stressed X2 today...


Today will be dog care ~

Before you take on a dog ...make sure you know that it's not meant to be in the cage and around the small garage space 24/7 !!

If you care for your dog, you take it out for walks !

not just throw it in a cage and expect it to give you love and care !

Taking care of a dog is about LOVING It

Loving it doesn't mean feeding it and taking it to the vet !

It involves training it, taking it for walks ....CARING FOR IT !

if not that is how dogs will end up !

hyperactive !

they get overexcited and noisy just because of small things ...


because their energy isn't spent on walks and the excitement of looking forward to one !

I ask of you all dear readers ~

Go out and make a little survey ~

notice that dog in cages are usually snappy ( bites) and extremely noisy

while dogs that get walks and TLC ....

they bark only when they feel threatened ....

they don't give you a big mess !

and yes can see their guilt when they KNOW they did something wrong ~

A 'good' dog ..doesn't yalp around all day !

I NEED to get this message out !

Care for your dog or just don't get one at all !


i feel sorry for dogs that are always caged up ~



everytime i'm stressed and tense ..i 'lepas geram' by listening to OH MY JULIET by LM.C

the PV gave me a bad impression when i was exploring LM.C

but as i get to know them

it is actually a "romeo & Juliet " tale retold in a rock song ~

It still sounds so strange and awkward when i put it that way.....

but it's a sad song written when Maya was still small time ...( and not happy i guess)

he mentioned bout this in twitter...bout the birth of two songs very different form each ~

Boys & Girls = exploding with positive energy and easy to relate to !

OH MY JULIET = Sad love song ! ...but great to listen to for stress relese ~

Lm.c offers a range a genre ~

get and album and you will see that every song have a personality ....

which is why it takes so long for them to release a single ....

this year ...their new isngle will be out October 27th

announced on twitter ^^