so...why megalab??
lol..because there is like 500 + computers for users here...
Mochiron...there is no surprise when some sites are blocked in a place like this ~
Strangely ..only MSN is blocked ~
others FB chat is also blocked though..but not FB...
anyhoo...i'm kinda in a calm feeling now ~
Luckily my morning was peaceful....
No scolding voice and no pressure ...
Even though everything seems to be falling the same time..everything is falling in place...on my most stressful time ..( not enough sleep and time) seems like i'm being taught a lesson here ...
and yes ..i'm learning..The OLD me might have gone through..well ..i guess you'd know ?
nyan ~
i guess i'm blogging just to let everyone that knows what happened that i'm okey....
It's not gonna be easy ....
but with faith and hope ...i'll make it through...
coz the world is JUST WONDERHOLIC !
i might be using other terms when october comes
Because LM.C staff announced on Twitter that Maya and Aiji are gonna relese a new single this october !
Almost one year after their release of Ghost † Heart ~ ♥
Aiji finished his guitar recording last night ~
and Maya's voice recording is scheduled a few days from now
Notice how my spelling sucks here?
yeah google chrome to correct the mistakes :p
I wanna appologize to my beloved senpai wor making her worry...
gomenneh ~
jya ...i'll blog bout someting more interesting when the storm settles?
matta ne ~
Emo again
11 years ago