Before anything ^^
I just wanna give a shout out to Senpai ^^
she made it through all that blood , sweat and tears !!
it makes you happy just reading the blog ^^

somehow i have a sudden craving for these little devils !!
they were calling meeee ~
or ...i called them ~
and i found out "why" after i got back (* ゜ー゜)

We were having a break during Financial econs
and this little guy flew over and walked along my pencil and down ...
it stayed on the book a little while longer and flew off
anyone knows what this little guy is called..??
seems like it dines on honey ( flowers) coz it has some kinda curled thing-y like a butterfly ~ ...
no stinger what are you little guy??

Laces *____*
i have no idea why ...but i like stuff that looks hand made~
with laces ~
i wanna learn sewing (using the a sewing machine)
maybe sometime during the holidays ^^
('▽ `)
then i can probably make an open- ended sleeve'd blouse with laces and all ^^
ah ~ the girly side of me is blooming ~ that a bad thing?? ('▽ `*)
owh ~
just to remind everyone ^^
breakfast and enough sleep is important!!!
i discovered that this semester ~
i was looking all sick and pale for the whole of last semester because of ...i guess you'd know ...
and not eating enough ( 1 meal a day @-@ is insaneee !! ) and also facing insomnia ~
now i make it a point ^^...let's enter Miyuki's daily routine & diet shall we??
my recipe for minimizing temper flares and maximizing concentration ~
jang jang ~ キラキラ~
first of all is settling in early ~
11.30 pm tops if you need to do assignments or just get your mind off things after lecture
wake up early ne ~
before talking brushing your teeth ...a healthy routine i do is drinking a bottle of water ~ because your body isn't hydrated for the past 8 hours or so !
(plenty of water throughout the day is also important !!! for hyping metabolism rate too!!)
if you have time then wait 45 minutes before brushing your teeth and taking breakfast ~
NOW ..breakfast is important!!!
if you don't have time for a cup of coffee and some healthy veg and fruits then grab a packet of biscuit ~ ...they say breakfast like a KING !
and believe me..have a heavy breakfast and your hand wont be itching to grab that bag of potato chips !! XD
I usually wake up early ( if i sleep early) ... make a cup of english tea ..(i'm a tea person XD)...
4-5 almonds ..maybe some carrots or cherry tomato and a packet of high-fiber biscuit ~ not forgeting some slow motivating songs (YUI is good) ...I like J-rock ..but that is for after a tough day and when you need a high boost ! ..YUI is usually for night time before bed and upon waking up ~...XD
if i happen to sleep a little too long XD....a packet of biscuit will do !~
well ...lunch and dinner is also important ...snacking too !
lunch is well ...usually eat out ...same as dinner ..since i have YUKI as company ~ ^^
eat less during dinner though ~
snacks like nuts and hi-fiber stuff are good if you are feeling hungry in between ~
though i then to break some "non-processed..fried " rules ( like chips XD) ..i still talk 3 meals a day ... your weight will be regulated ....
my motive is not to loose weight...just to stay healthy...anyone who have been severely underweight ( like me ) knows how unhealthy it can be to be too thin ~
plus ... a study has shown that fatter ppl ( weight height ratio of 20 - 22 ) live longer compared to thinner ppl !!!
dirnking enough water throughout the day keep's you hydrated , alert ...incerase metabolism rate and ..get this..builds muscle tone !!! wuahaha
You might notice a "tired till i shed tears " post??
well..that was when i only got 4 hours of sleep and missed breakfast ..and i slept at!!
not too good eh ~
proven !!
anyhoo..the point is..a healthy lifestyle keeps you alert for lectures !!
and being optimistic is easier when coupled with a healthy lifestyle ~
who am i now?? a health consultant!!??
nah...i'm just sharing what i experienced stress wise ...and weight wise ...
many people are having eating disorders now and thinking " i eat less i loose more weight"
it's sad ...
because it's not about the weight !! it's about BEING HEALTHY!!!!
plus ...XD a piece of chocolate when stressed can help ~ hehe
i eat chocolate a piece at a time ~ XD
i ran out of chocolate supplies :p
i buy monthly XD ..( EXCUSES EXCUSES !!! )
for the 100 page assignments ..i have 8 more pages to gooo!!
will work hard with music to accompany me ....
YUI songs are great .... slow and relaxing ~
i'm a study with music person too ~
^^ ...i can concentrate on studying / assignments while the music is on...and the headphones block any unwanted distractions ~
have a great day everyone ~
Miyuki より~