Minaaaa ~ kyo genki??
Finally rached home at around 9.30 pm ~
i stayed at Yuki's place for a while before heading to the veg store ...coz it was raining heavily ~
class from 8- 10, 2-4 ,5-6 ..next week will be worse nyahhhh ~
like i said...
today is a combination to a very exhausting day!!
1. most classes
2. the time of the month ~ :p
3. Raining heavily
4. Bus driver picked us up only when it started raining :/
5 . slept less than 3 hours
and 6. =_= my comfortable flat formal shoe is busted ....
Something odd/ funny happened today
between classes ..some of my coursemates went to the blood drive and donated some blood
I want to donate too! nyan ~ =3=
i heard that it is good for generating new blood cells in the body??
i was in the library finishing of the last few pages of assignments ~
Lucy went to find some info for her article ...Albee on the other hand was summoned to another meeting...
I ate lunch alone today since everyone was busy ~
David , Albee and a few other ppl went to the blood drive *__* after their meeting
Albee came in during afternoon class and said ..."i fainted" 0_0
" and David's blood vessel broke XD"
i was o-o
so she told me that David got up too early and was carrying his lappy when blood started gushing out 0_0 ~
he went back to consult the ppl there and Albee helped to wipe blood away ... suddenly she felt dizzy and fainted !!
she said she donated twice before ~ but dunno y she fainted today...
The people there told her that she didn't take breakfast and it caused her to faint...even though she had just taken lunch ~ konyara ...
tama tama desuka?? i just taled bout how important breakfast is in my previous blog
hmm...some of you might notice that i stayed up till the wee hours of the morning ~

Doing the last of the 20 pages *___*
drinking coffee mixed with a piece of chocolate to boost my mood and avoid mood swings ....
which did actually work because despite today's situation my mood is still cherry ~ ♥
Speaking of cherry XD ....
hehe...been deliberating weather to get this or not for a long time...
well if the Nevia one is at a discount i would have gotten it ( like i did last time) but now it's a little expensive ..though i really enjoyed using the Sparkling white mask ~
This mask is cheaper by X2 and also on discount ~
there were apple ( for refining pores) and also alovera ...most for moisture , tonner and whitening...um relaxing...firming ...different flavour

i decided to get this ..even though i wanted to get the pore refining one ~
since my motive now is to get smoother fairer skin..XD
it " whitens" and sparkles too ..
but it's alo X2 drier than Nevia and ...=3= it's dosent fit the face as nicely as Nevia ~
but after using it ...and rubbing in the access ..my skin feels smooth ...nevia makes the face feel moisturized....
I realized one thing though....people with oily skin like mine ..yes ..needs oil control face wash..but you can use it with moisturizing range of toners and cream !!
my face dont 'oil' as much these days...maybe partly because of the cold weather but maaa
more sug??
you can skip ths fan girling part XD
i found one song that is simmiar with Ghost †Heart from Lm.c → LED Ghosty from Sug ~
and ..though the maning of Sug's LED Ghosty is not as good as Ghost † Heart , the electro rock in LEd is better *_* ..catchy and awakening when doing late night assignments !!
have a listen ^^...
very electro rock-ish....which is my fav !!
you wanna jump to the guitar jamming !!
tick tock tickk tock .,..use headphones to enjoy the effects ~
so i'll end the song with a slow-ish single by sug??
very colourful ^^
P/s: did you all notice how Takeru ( the vocalist) looks a little like Mao from Sid when he is in the outfit as a bus driver in the Life♥ 2 Die PV??
i wanna know your opinion XD...coz i tought he look like Mao in Oshare kei style ^^
well...Tomorrow is FRIDAYYY!!! and no replacement whatsoever !! yippie !
jya matta ne ~