how has everyone been lately?
for me....well...
i actually have plenty of free time TO FINISH MY ASSIGNMENTS!
i shouldn't be like that!
learnt lessons and yet i still fall into that trap !
i wasn't like that for the first 2 weeks ...
but i guess i was tired of early morning classes ne ~
plus seeing others laying back isn't easy when you have the 'guilt" genes ~...
i can't really explain the "guilt" genes ..but if you have it then i guess you would understand...
so to speak...if you can't handle the "guilt" genes the way you should'll sink into depression ~
able to handle it well then ...assignments will be done quickly ~
and with a smile at that ~
but seriously ! =_="" 100 pages on something is not easy ~
maaaa ! ....
i guess after this blog i'll make a coup of English tea and do my assignments with Lm.c , SID . YUI and newly discovered Sug songs ~
i wonder why...but since forever my fav bands/ singers are always signed to either Pony Canyon or Sony Music
I guess it's good that Lm.C and Sug are performing togeather in Singapore 0_0
what a coincidence !
Oshare Kei is the best deshyo ^^
pics from my weekly saturday night dinner with Yuki ~
we were running out of things to do so i showed Yuki some visal kei ( or osare kei) and she noticed the extremely heavy make up XD
Sug and Lm.c
and me..always experimenting on the style...put on make up on one of her eyes
eventually we both got into the visual kei style make-up and it became a camwhoring session...XD
of course if i had more time i'd do my hair and also the outfit !
which if you are reading my blog, you'd see my full extent of "experimenting" that i never posted !
so here goes!!
shashin !

oki ..this is the mash potato w
ith a honey cherry tomato on top ^^

the colour quality for close range pics are not good for this cam the fired chicken i fried looks dull XD
jang jang ~

VK make -up
i'd say VK look but this is actually no where near
VK deshyo!

keke ...i kinda messed up the left side make up so XD
I'm not sure if people will be used to my VK look
but i really overkilled this a little
even bought hair wax ..teasing spray ..and tonnes of time to get the VK look right
only good cam to get a good pic at the time...
you ready??
it's a little more that the one in FB ....coz i did a lot more teasing XD

I don't think i dare to get bangs any longer ..even if it is nice when trying out the VK style...bangs just don't suit me that well ~
so ...haha..i wish my hair is like that again ~
short and managable ~
i leave this blog with one of the better songs from SUg ~
gr8 Story
dozo ^^
i actually like only a few songs ~
but i'm yet to discover more
Lm.c is more my style ne ~ XD
innocent and more mature ...
although Sug have their age hidden XD
in short Sug's range of music is beyond the oshare kei look and genre ...
in fact some tecno , voice altering and also ..yes ..believe it or not dancing and a touch of hip hop to go with it XD
i like the new drummer ( shinpei)also the bass player ...Chiyu ( gomen Aki-kun!!) check it out ne ~
jya matta ^^
*makes english tea *