This is not one of my regular post .
Well , I came across this video while checking updates on my facebook
I'm not sure if you guys out there heard this story and I think it is already to the "viral" point like the dog abuse case.
It's the high profile SMK Raja Abdullah bully case
My first reaction was "disgusting"
Naturally , instincts kicked in and we all muster out our hatred towards these bullies and put ourselves in the shoes of this poor girl.
The original video is taken down ( i think) for "too much hate" or something like that but with apps these days anyone could easily download and re-upload the video.
Like I said, my first reaction is " This is disgusting" and i naturally wanted these bullies to get the worst punishment ever !! everyone with a heart did !!
But we all have to stop and think here . The question is WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?
Cussing them and wishing the worst possible outcome for these girls (and apparently a guy) isn't gonna stop this from happening !!!
( Then again....I guess the public going head on on these 13 year old bullies is a good punishment itself ..haha)
These bullies have issues .
Human nature makes us want to find someone to blame...parents , teachers, the bullies themselves but no SINGLE person is to blame for this.
Girls don't just wake up in the morning with the intention to make someone suffer just for the fun of it.
It must have started from somewhere and no one notice these behaviors and if they DO notice no one cares!!
These girls need counseling guidance and of course care from the right people !
Parents ,teachers, friends , relatives ....ALL OF US are responsible when these things happen.
This is only one of many MANY cases of bullying these days .
What we should do is stop being a kid and cussing all the way ....we should sit down and think of the best way these can be avoided !!!
Last but not least for the bullies I hope they are dealt with and the case handled properly IS already a high profile case .
Hopefully the are remorseful of what they did.
Believe me at first I really wanted to cuss them and hope that someone give them a buzz cut right down the middle of their scalp ! but it;s not a very mature ( or right)way of thinking LOL.
My heart goes out to the bullied girl . Hair will grow back but her self confidence won't be built up that easily. The girl is traumatized.
This is no drama where we expect the best turnout for the victim and the worst outcome for the villains ( bullies).
Know that this is only a MINOR case of bullying ... cases that lead to DEATH goes unnoticed like the one where a boy was killed when bullies slammed his head towards a locker at a local school in my hometown 3 years ago .
This ,my dear readers a sad reality that is happening here and now .
ask yourselves
and lets hope that people are more alert when there are signs that lead to these behavior!
lets hope that this SMK Raja Abdullah bully case will not repeat itself