Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Being home is nice ♥

I'm back in a small moderately busy town ~

YAY ! ♥

It's more ...well boring here but i cant think of a few silly adventures to amuse myself with !

First on the list is removing all the Ixora hedges !!

It's nice and I always trim it when i get back for the holidays but people say it attracts mosquitoes ...so sorry my pretty Ixoras....and then will plant mint instead ...I hear it repels mosquitoes?




3 years just fly by like that ....I miss all my friends taking 3 year courses ...huhu

I mean our study life is so short ! And in this 3 year time frame ,so many things happen !!

You learn plenty of things about life ...and what it has in store for us...

We say hello and there are goodbyes....


The final day of exam we went for karaoke ! and then walked to the market where we saw a bunch of things ...it wasn't a very safe place for one to flash her cellphone and take a picture or two so ...no pictures *huhu*

But i bought something like um..sea bed coconut ?? * yes directly translated from Mandarin*

and it's good for skin and cough??

plus mum's favorite snack ..the traditional kuih cincin ???


Following day went to Wojamama with non other that Yuki...i have no idea whay they spell it Wojamama when clearly the hiragana spells wagamama !!!

well wagamama means selfish in Japanese ...such a big confusion !! lol

anyhoo we had a RM50 voucher and ate very little maybe due to our mellow mood !! i mean it's basically our last date !!!

We did a little gallivanting ~ and then i bought her an angry bird as a parting gift ~

Starbucks !! my favorite is actually the green tea blend !!

not a fan of the choc chip since i tasted something more chocolaty when the java chip was out of stock !! XD

↑ This was what we ordered ...haha and we ended up eating only 7 plates TOGETHER !!! such a shame XD

↑ Yuki bought me this at Starbucks ! XD Cashew nut chocolate chip cookies !! i wanna learn how to make such a tasty cookie !! yum :D
And finaaly our order of chocolate chip java...not as good as the green tea but nice ( maybe because i'm more of a tea person?? haha )

Well, by the looks of it i'm probably just gonna hang around home doing stuff that cannot be done when i'm away....I like to jump back into doing gardening and getting some exercise ...though i can't continue my evening jogs since everyone else is busy with work ...so gardening will have to do !! got a saw to saw off all the branch...i don't have to use an old cleaver to get rid of bushes !! lol

I hope i make the most of my holidays !

I'm so looking forward to meeting up with old friends ...talking about our life and everything ! ...there is till an untold ghost story you know !! haha

I hope i can get more exciting pics and stuff in my life to share ...

Till then

Ganbate in LIFE !!!

now listening to Rolling Star !! lol cool song !!!

Jya , ne ♥

P/s: 0wh did i mention?? I brought Aki back with me too ♥
But there is a very slim chance that I'll take him back to KK again :( oh well ! matta neeeee!!! ♥