Wish list
~ Be Stronger
~ Aiji Replies my Tweet he replied !! ♥
~ Meet senpai
~ Kinzoku
~ Be better at guitar
~ Aiji Guitar Pick
~ Guitar Pick necklace
Before i can even finish editing my wish list !! the new one is fulfilled !!!!!
Okey ~
so before anything ~
I'm down with flu ~
i have no idea why...but maybe because the fan blew directly at me at night =_=
i have no idea
i didn't realize that i have flu this morning..coz i was so stressed up with presentation in a class with a perfectionist and theory based lecturer ~
so...i came back and slept the whole afternoon and my phone was in silent mode ....
YUKi messaged me and i didn't relpy....GOMENNN..i'm so sorry..
I'm really not in the best of health !
my nose is not blocked ( thankfully) but i think it's mild fever ~
after the sleep i still feel drowsy ~
but my routine XD ..is to check what the J-rockers are up to
and Aiji said this
Aiji :
凄い!?あっという間に6000!みんなありがと。 みんな携帯やPCとにらめっこしてるっぽいですが、こちらまだまだ打合わせが続くんで、あと3、4時間は確実にQ&Aできないんで、大切な時間を有効に使って待っててください!笑
basically i use translator ~ ....coz i only understand a sentence or two in japanese Kanji ( i only read katakana and hiragana)
the time came ~
and Aiji-san picked a worldwide timeline ~
everyone in the world who follow's him can ask personal question ~
so he determined to answer 15 question...
my japanese is not good so i'm not sure if he picks randomly ...or he picks the fist 15 to relpy and ect ~
I guess it's random..coz he said after the 15th RT ( reply tweet ) he'd add 5 more Q's....
I guess asking bout his ESP guitars is the right Q to ask !
coz i know that he loves and designed his own guitars ~ ( All ESP guitars are custom made )
and i know he can answer it easily in english ! XD
a closed english question ~
now i trust that there isn't any translator ~
Aiji actually understands and speaks english ( better than maya XD)
OMG i'm rambling !!!
BTW ~ Aiji designed these guitars himself ....
no wonder it is a "difficult question " ^^ ♥

Aiji's Rainbow ESP Guitar ~ from the Ghost † Heart PV
the older but still cool Flame ESP~
From tweetpic ~
a clearer pic of the FLAME ESP ~
for you guitar noobs ~ ...ESP is like the king of all guitars ...
If you have an ESP guitar *_* ....
many rock guitarist use ESP ..quality custom made guitars based in japan ~

click to see bigger pic ne ~

Karaoke and random class snaps ^^

Yuki , Kong & i went for K
my very first time desu :p

yeah ...3 of us dake ~
K-box is actually quite reasonable compared to others
RM 20 for 5 hours 2 drinks/person and 2 bowls of snack ~....
usually it's 20 /hour
and guess what!! the Japanese song that i wanted to sing was there ~
sang it twice ~
since i don't sing much songs and all
YUKI was the power house ~
going on high notes
i'm no where in that level :p
i'll upload YUKI & Kong's duet soon?

here XD
sing sing ~ XD
we are all stressed so singgg! XD

Micro teaching !
AKA mock teaching ~
coursemate did role play as teaching aid XD
lol....multiple personality disorder??
white blouse = going out ~
jacket and in pj's + headphone = late at night or very early in the morning look XD
(it was 3 am i think studying for HR )

*pokes senpai*
Cinnamonroll PJ-pants XD
jya..my head is kinda spinny ~ =_=
so i guess i'll just stop here ne ~
flu is kinda bad on me~
i could pengsan anytime desuu XD
jya matta ne ~
and ....
ROCK ROCKIN' on the LM.C !!!! nyan !!!!
can i sleep XD??