so waht Maya says is true !
you cry alone but if you laugh dosen't matter if the whole world is your enemy !
Yesterday evening...was kind of a really bad day....
but Many friends ...Senpai, Onee san, and emi-chan ...the helped me through !
and for the first time in this kind of mood i didn't cry ^^ !!
It's a good sense of accomplishment!
but my friends are all there for me listen !! it helps sooo much !!! I LOVE YOU ALL ♥
anyhoo...i'm sooo addicted to twitter XD
Aiji's faultttt !!
but waking up to morning greetings from band members really cheers one up !
especially when there is an event ! you can feel the energy when they are about to perform !
Like Lm.C 's Maya and Aiji always say ...we are all lucky to be born in the same ear and on the same earth !
Technology might bring some harm....but i think my minor depression and emoness ~ can be cured ~
It's nice to be back on my feet and laughing again ^^

A very good breakfast !
high-fiber and i'm munching' away !
it stays fresh and it's tasty and non-oily !

I considered buying Evian
or the other one that is RM 1 expensive ( Avenue ?) ~
but i ended up with this ~
it refines pores, revitalize and refreshen !
facial stimulant !
i find a lot of changes after using this ~
face become less oily and smooth ...and a little eggy shine!
though i was a little allergic to it at first ... which is why i'm late to intro this product ~
so i only use it on cooling days ~ and nights
never use these creams and stuff during a humid day ne ~
owh it is actually RM 20+ but 15% discount so RM 19 for 125 ML ...i choose this because it is more worth it XD...
birds nest extract ..ect ect ~ lol

The first sign of my bad day desu !!
I actually forgot bout it which is good i guess ^^
but i never hate rain
in fact i kinda love it ~
i love this jacket
though ...
it loosens ..coz it's kitted and 100 % cotton !
Ohh ! probably in a good mood because i dream of Dad a good way !
^^ he kinda bought tickets for me and my sis to watch a super rare super big event performance !
the excitement of going to the show was enough to cheer me up....
that's what my dad would normally do ^^ he'd buy us the tickets and let us watch and enjoy !
I miss you and love you dad ...thanks for the dream ^^
plus the excitement was continued when i wake up to LM.C's staff members and also support band's tweets !
I kinda hope Jun receives my tweets and read them ^^
Aiji keeps forgetting to mention JUN !!!
owh ..and denki _man bot ~ ..some kinda tweet bot ne ~
automated to post LM.C lyrics every 2 hours or so ..and if you reply it automatically replies back !!
i got a funny reply !
lol starbucks !
denki man : 誰にもこの姿は見えない 誰にもこの声は聴こえない・・・
Trans : no one sees this figure and no one hears this voice any longer ( lyrics form Ghost † Heart)
I replied : Ghost † Heart Saikou !
@ Chinyee_88 スタバに行くか行かないか。これですべてが決まる!
Going to starbucks all depends on this ...
LOL !!
anyhoo ...
lunch with YUKI after a long longgggg hiatus ~ ^^
jya matta !!