it's rare that i'm too busy too blog during schooling times ~
i was a little held up in classes and also spent extra time sleeping ( or facebooking / twitting)
gomenneh ~
shall i start with the rest of monday up to today ??
it's gonna be a long blog ...
so if you are resting you can read this !! ^^
First off !
my monday mishap didn't end there !
Yuki was unable to come out for dinner so i cooked dinner!
i cooked rice , mixed-veg and then fried some chicken ( nutri plus )
then washed clothes at the same time
so happy that i could finish doing so many things at a time till =_=
i didn't push the "cook" button desu!!
so i have to wait 20 minutes for my rice to cook ...nyan !

lol...looks like japanese style right??
i took a book shelf and put it horizontally so i can put stuff in and on there easily ...and it fits the width of the bed nicely ....
plus it hides the messy stuff under my bed :p
T^T i wish i have more time to clean my room...

i was starring at this while the rice was cooking !
one of the easiest most tasty ,easy to think out and healthy thing to cook is this !!
the mushroom gives fiber , carrot vit A , idea?? lol i guess fiber too XD....
the wenesday afternoon ! ..i cooked lunch ~ coz i was craving for chicken porridge

the porridge was nice ....and HOT !
hen i was stirring the porridge splattered out
and a single drip got on my hand !!
and it hurtttt!!
i ran it through water ...but it's still here now af
ter 4 days =_=
the blister already formed and i burst it so it could heal faster just now ~

i had to take this back and re-cook it because when it cooled down , there was too much water ~
in th
e end tasted good ...there is no carrot taste ..but it added texture to the porridge ^^
all in all it was worth it ( ..probably )
hope it doesn't scar !
Opps ....i missed tuesday's entry XD
it was David's birthday
after a tiering day we headed for Wagamama for dinner
my order ↓↓↓↓

ham-roll in Mozilla Cheese !
overall it was a litte too filing
and ..not as nice as i expected it to be
i prefer Korean food !!
japanese restraunt is just too fried based !
but i guess it's okey~

this is vegetarian !
mee with mushroom sauce and veg chicken !
Tom Yum more satisfying desuyo ~

cubical room again on thursday ~
# 25 is good ~ not too cool yet cooling enough ^^
aLL 3 of us wanted to head for desert after dinner
but we ended up buying 1 of these each ~
King brand
caramel chocolate ~
too sweet desu yo ~ :/ prefer with chocolate syrup ~ sigh ~
gah !
it took me 1 hour to finish this blog because halfway ...i saw a roach !!!!
and it was a flight roach !!!!
100000X worse !!!
I went through a lot of trouble hunting it down....
coz i don't want a roach to be climbing on me while sleeping do i !!
after midninght bath nanoni :/
i bathe because it is so hooottt~
finally colled dwon and have to go through all the corners and get sweaty again after hunting it down .....NYAAAAAAANNNN~
even though i'm supposed to sepn the weekend finishing my assignments ....
i agreed to go to the mall ( for shopping for the 1st time ever since coming here )
coz we are all stressed
and also with another friend with Yuki-chan for karaoke for the 1st time EVERRRR ! on sunday ...
i have to wake up early to finish the washing and maybe finish presentation preparations !
This week was tough on meeeeee~
well ~
things to to during weekend ~
- HR quiz
- washing n cleaning room
- class management 3 minute presentation
- KBM assignment
- case study
- HR assignment
- mall 4 shopping
- appointment setting with Himalaya !!
have to ganbateeeeee
Today's Sug video will be from their album "I Scream Party"
since my friends and i kinda have an ice-cream party ne XD
Sug no PV : Love Scream Party XD
Mitsuru was still the drummer here ...and Takeru looks kinda different!!
anyhoo..their make -up lightened up a little lately ^^
back here ...make up was super Oshare Kei
this is the first vid i saw actually
interested after listening to "gr8 story"
anyhoo...without further a due....
Dozo XD