Why am i blogging when i'm supposed to be in class??
shall we ponder on my Monday "mishap"

Laugh all you want at me...(¯ ◇ ¯;)
because i'm kinda laughing at myself :p
** hoo-o !! ... pics uploaded super fast 0_0...library line sugoiii !
So ...
i slept at around 3 last night because of insomnia ...and here is the one guilty of it !!!

Quite a huge cup of iced tea ~ (sugarless of course XD)
it was so hot that i couldn't resist the temptation!!
result → insomnia :P
Now ...since i only have like 3 hours in lala land ... i woke up a wee bit earlier to have a healthy breakfast to get me through a tough day ...I have no ideaaaa!! lol
Clean and tidy my room a little before i headed out ( as always)
and i didn't realize that it was already 6.50 am !!!
i rushed out and both the 7 am bus the 7.15 bus never arrived ....
there were so many ppl there and i was prepared to be late for micro teaching !!
The bus finally came at around 7.35 !!! and against all odds..the bus stopped right in front of me !! all those ppl and i got a seat!! " lucky!!" i thought ~(¯ w¯|||)....
i got into the micro teaching room at 7.55 ! ...discovered an empty room :p
called friends and one finally pick the phone up....
lol..upon hearing a mellow voice ...i know that i wen't through all that for nothing!!!
well...I guess " something funny to blog about" IS something !! lol
besides ...i get to reply Takeru on twitter XD!!
I hope ya'll out there having Monday blues read my blog and enjoy the beginning of the week on the worst day of the week reading my morning mishap !!
Maybe your day won't turn out as "bad" as mine
i'll have to head back later aroun 10 am ..( assuming that there is a bus then)
and take the bus here again at 2. 45 pm to head for the 4 pm class !!
The only thing that is really "saiyaku" is the agonizing bus wait
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Waiting for the long thinggy on the watch to strike "6" so i can enter the library and rant a little XD ....
This is a pic from last night around 6.50 am pm i wish i have an actual camera to capture this scene ! Btw..that's a street light...not the moon ( ̄▽ ̄) fua fua~
so nostalgic somehow ne ~
well...that's all from a miss-informed rascal ~ ☆
p/s : my lappy's buit in fan is making a racket in the library ...gomennnn ( ^ /\ ~)
Jya ...until more mishaps ....Happy Monday all ~
will listen to Sug while waiting ~ ...maybe i should get pearl milk tea ..( haven't had any for 3 months straight !! 0_0 ...record breaker !!)