Hi all!!
I'm not sure if i still have any readers since I stopped blogging ...but anyway , HAPPY 2013!!
I have lot's to say but then , where do I start ??
Well, i finished my teaching practice ( a very challenging one) , my thesis and yes i finally graduated back in October.
Currently back at home . The house got a really good upgrade and is almost done ( very comfy :D ) and i recently got a job as a replacement teacher ...30 minutes drive form my home !tomorrow would me my second week. stressing a little about the PBS system but happy that i'm learning something ! (i came back smiling after Saturday's meeting~)
Working in the afternoon means one thing, i'll have to sacrifice my jogging time! I love jogging! so, at the moment I'm doing only very light exercises ~ Keeps me alert and positive :)
As for guitar , i'm still practicing it everyday and finding new songs to learn. I figured I should pick up some English songs and maybe Mandarin songs eventually....at the moment Akane showed me a song my Christina Perri [ A Thousand Years] ....it's mellow and has a really good acoustic to go with it ! so look forward to a guitar cover !
Owh! got a call from a friend ~ going out for shopping i guess ehe ~
I'll be updating more I guess ....short blogs with pictures haha....
Stay genki everyone ~ ^^
ALI - Ziugae (Eraser) MV
11 years ago