Saturday, January 15, 2011

Food much?

Hum hum ~

Another week have passed ~

Long weekend comes again !

Well many things ( good and bad ) happened ! but lets just leave all that negative stuff behind shall we?

Coz thinking bout the bad stuff SUCKS big time !

Well the internet was down the whole day so i was kinda absent ! Spent the afternoon in KK and an unexpected "detour" to Tg.Aru for a little snack?

Yuki said many ppl liked the Avocado juice ! Quite pricey ! but think of it ! one avocado already cost 5.50 so 1 cup is RM6 ! kinda worth it no?

Good for the skin ...but i doubt this is good ...since sugar and probably lots of creamer was added

Overall the taste is okey! if you like a tingling bitter taste like me then this is nice !

I'd say it taste like sweetened green tea ! haha

Dinner ! Ate dim sum ...which literally translates to "touch heart" haha

or something like that !

Anyhoo..all of us were still full from the theater food ! so we had "light" dinner

I don't think you call this light though !

No offence to the restaurant ...but mum's dim sum was much MUCH nicer !

home made is always the best don't you agree ? ♥

sorry for the bad quality pics ! (ι´Д`)ノ

maybe better pics on next post?? hehe

Japanese food for lunch again ! This time is Sakana tenpura set ! 魚天ぷらセット~ おいしかった!


hehe ~ as promised a pic !


As you all probably know ! my hair is now short! ..many people says it suits me well !

and maintaining it is 10X easier !!

I always have trouble with my bangs ( thinning!!) but not now !! since my back hair compansates for the thinning front hair !


i bought this when my hair was long and started to get kinda dry and hard to manage !

well short hair doesn't mean that i don' t have to maintain it!!

I use this before i blow dry my hair ! to protect it and also keep the style the whole day !

Seems too good to be true right??

Not sticky not hardening NOTHING!!

it keeps the style pretty much the whole day ! even on humid days !

so if you have thick and hard to manage hair that bend outwards ( like mine now) i suggest you get this !


Designing aqua, Hair blow lotion !

It pretty much does what is says it does in the description ^^

Yay for the very first after wash hair product i'm happy with ! ^^

I think it sells at RM16++ at watsons ! usually its RM18 so QUICK ! ^^

oh ! gosh !! すでにこの時間!!気づいていなかった!

It's already 2.20 am!!!

i guess i need to sleep now so that my sleeping pattern is not disrupted ( it actually already is !! ☆⌒(>。≪)...


おはすみ!!← this phrase again (笑)

ohayou+oyasumi = OHASUMI