Friday, November 12, 2010

Gah ! Flu exams ! what else?? take a deep breath and smile :)

Everyone turned into pandas of the past week ( and will continue to too! lol)

Konichiwa ~

First of all

before anything

Just saw a disappointing post in FB !

and it's not senpai ~

Senpai's emoness is like Low level compared to what i just red ~

I have to admit ~ ...being EMO is not something you don;t want to be at times ( which some people don't get ...aka Akane )...

but it seems to me like an explosion saying " COME AND PITY ME IM SAD" it;s a little overdone

you rather die ? well it;s common to say "i wanna die" or "i wanna fade away"

saying you'd rather have a bad illness is plain SELFISH !

for once people !

think about what you have !!!


sigh ...anyway

yeah ...i'm not very much myself these days

lol...i do things the last minute and pulled all nighters all week !

when you are not a coffee drinker can have a big side effect!

well monday's paper was a success ...( i can say that)

But tuesday's paper was a huge dissapointment !

I really really tried my best !!!

but unfortunately i have to learn the hard way that things sometimes just don't go the way you expect it to go !

Sulking and regretting won't get me anywhere ~

So i'm moving on to the next 4 papers ^^



About the coffee?

yeah withnin 2 days i downed 3 cups of coffee ...

yeah's like a drug to me ~

yes it keeps me awake and studying ...but everything else become chaos !

it's like coffee hangover !! @_@

i studied 6-7 hours straight !

and when i got to the test ..there were so many different types of curve that i can't rememer which which !

then yesterday !

it's either coffee hangover or some kind of effects for pulling all nighters !

My body shut down completely!! even till this morning !

no energy not even will power !

i didn't have my shot of coffee yesterday coz i slept the whole day !

But this morning i just cant take it anymore !!!

i was having some kind of flu..been sneezing and dizzy ( still dizzy !!)

and my appetite is low !

so i drank another cup...flet better after that ...but the side effects will come soon !


i hope i can resist myself !

coffee hangover isn't nice with me ~

my "putar belit" blog post confirms this @_@



i neeed to get some rest so i can continue to study !

Monday's paper is EVIL!!!!!! EVIL I TELL YOU !!!


Hugs and kisses to senpai !

Kinzoku ! ..we'll defenately do that some day ♥

or even go to an ALICE NINE tour togeather !

OR if possible ....( quite impossible ) but still ...not a big fan ot The Gazette ...but ...if they really come here ! i don't mind opening my ears to a little more heavy guitar riff just to see senpai ! ^^