So how is everyone lately??
all well?
well i hope so ...^^ life is always full of up's and downs and things that we never expect just comes our way!
My last post was about about the last post .! i was probably going through a lot preparing for the camp !
well pics pics pics...everyday since Monday (after my last examination) we headed to the faculty to prepare stuff or give a briefing about each of or parts it's aerobics or activities ( group activities) or sports ...ect
In my case , it's teaching ! English ! the camp it turned out better than i expected ! though in the second class people were already exhausted and so was i !
But the mini "Kingdom" game meant to re-enforce the stuff thought in class was proof that these kids were kinda bright and were paying attention ...♥
Makes it worth the sore throat and the leg pain !!
well i did a little summary in Ameba blog ~
but the whole experience is one of excitement , exhaustion, satisfaction , and also a dash of mystery and haunting !
I did mention to some readers that i was bound to do night watch ..
Well at first i thought it was BESIDE a graveyard..which is why i thought people create these stories in their heads ....
Well when we all got there i found out that it was actually an ancient burial ground ...!!
So when we got there we were told that girls were not allowed to do night guard !
but the pre-school we were staying in ( as beautiful and neat as it is) is also not "clean"
coz ..there is a body down there . They wanted to exhume the body but decided not to ~ ..humm
anywayz ...the first night everyone couldn't really sleep...but exhaustion gave way to all of us the second night ^^
the boys saw stuff at night and teachers briefed us to make us ready of what is bound to happen !
So that we don't freak out IF we see anything ...
Now i bet you all are wondering if I saw anything ?
the answer is ....
before we left I took a last glance at the entire compound
then outside the compound , i saw what i thought were 2 men in front and one at the back ~...the one at the back was different!! all smoky ! but in the shape of the guy in front ( which was real) a few seconds after i took a good look ...the "thing" just disappeared!! and it's a white ! may others saw white figures !
I didn't believe my eyes !! was i too tired??
was i hallucinating ??
well ...when you see something yourself's different ...
I still don't really believe that it was real ...maybe i was just too exhausted...but even if it's really was probably just a wondering soul with no place to go and trying to play around mimicking the guy in front ~ .....
those this are probably more afraid of us that we are of them ~
lol....what a story to come back to write about eh !
Anyhoo... the project was more or less a success !! Yay !!
all that hard work we put in before and during the project turned out fine !
Now for pics!! ^^ not in sequence though !! XD gomen

Aerobics rehearsals and extremly basic wushu movements !! one of our busy mornings befor camp was held ...

This was after closing ceremony for the camp ! This rascals are the group under me . I'm one of the back up facilitators ~ or better way to put it is helper...Aren't they just adorable !!

This was yesterday in the airport ~ Rained heavily so the flight was delayed for around 15 minutes

MADE DUMPLINGS for lunch today with mum and aunt !! they were delicious !! Although it wan't reall presentable but it taste really really good !

Issac and Brendon !! Issac is really talkative and active !! but he is really smart ! and on top of that helpful ! Brendon is the typical boy but really polite ~
Our group won the mini sports !! and Issac won the "best participant" award!! ...
He even intended to share his hamper ! but we insted it was all his ! ^^

lol...water balloon tossing ! it was fun !! Facilitators also participated !! lol...
you pass the water balloon as a person said "toss" and if your balloon breaks , you fail ! and you are out . The next round each takes two steps back ! and it continues till no one was left ! Lucy and i made it to the second last !

This was dinner at "White House" lol...not the White House at Washington DC! it's a restaurant at the mall ~ the night before our camp ! Yuki finally finished her exam and we all decided to head for a good meal and also for movies ! ...i think i'm accepting horror films better now ~ we watched LET ME IN
well ...i'll leave my review of the movie for another time ne ~

You are all probably wondering what this is eh?
lol...cutting letters for the outline of the banners!
Cheers for good work all ...some of them stayed till 10 to finish up the banner and then had t walk back to their dorms because there wasn't anymore bus operating ...
Seriously...little or more ....big or small effort is obvious that everyone did something to contribute to the success of the project ! as tired , scared and exhausted as we are ...we all made it! so thanks all !!!
lets do better next semester ..and lets hope that the school we are bound to go to ...isn't an ancient burial ground ^^''
And oh!! Happy Holidays all!! see you next year !!..and for my blog readers ..please look forward to more home based blogging ! i'll try my best to update ^^