obviously i've been "cut-off" from the world o
f internet for about a weekk ! this is insane ...!
and guess what..yup there was an internet connection problem last week ..but the problem is ..while trying to make it work..i connected the chords ( phone chords) wrongly ! ..end up with 7 days of fustrationnnn!
i'm gonna blog quite long i guess so get readyyy! hehe
pics pics pics...bought camera w/o any planning because sis is gonna have her convo somewhere during the last quarter of the year ~
and boy is it good ...the colour quality is better
that the Casio Exlim(
hehe ..one of the first few pic i took with the cam ~
most recent...! orchids bloomed a
gain..when i came back the with with pink spots orchid is already wittering ~ too bad ...but this camera is great outdoors don't you agree?? hehe

a new road opened up and i guess we were the first few to go that way ~!
OMG ! they cleaned the brownish polluted beach !
which is good..no waves coz...well man made lagoons~
but the water is BLUEEEEE! no it's not KK it's my hometownnnnn!
I think i have a thing for beaches and blue waters...been staying in these (coastal??) places all my life !
btw this is taken after church using my 2 mp phone cam...didn't bring the cam out !~
saturday night !
Korean Steamboat & BBQ
i think i'm in love with korean food !
and it's cheap to !
4 ppl Dish package ~
we add on 1 plate of New Zeland beef (large), 1 plate black fungus( medeum) , and 1 set leafy veg (Small )
and it cost only 50++ !!! plus drinks !
gomennn! didn't have the Olympus with me :p haha

gosh....i was a bout to blog 2 hours ago when spot got us all worried !
took it to the vet and it wasn't anything serious ~ ( T^T..yokaatta!)
anyhoo..spot came back ...after taking 2 shots of something ...it have to take 3 different types of pils ~
poor thing....vet says it has to be on liquid( or less hard/dry) diet ...later have to cook some porridge with chicken or pork for it ~

one of the 3 medication...poor thing =3=
few days ago
lots of them ....^^
wonder when they will ripen..and if so...hopefu
lly those flower beetles don't attack like they did
to the previous batch!
and the two birds are of different patters! ( one male and the other female i assume
but somehow thic pic can't be enlarged ! too big data i guess ~
maybe i'll get it up on fb so you all could see the details of the birds !

sorry for the bad quality...went to a relative's place and they planted this out front !
YES passion fruit flower !
i think i saw aunt making passion fruit syrup once and it was super !
BTW ....i just re-started guitar lessons today ~
it's nice to start afresh...bit i totally forgot all the theory stuff!!
i can't even remember a crochettttt!!! GAHHH!
concentrating on theory stuff and music reading..plus finger plucking...
p/s : i just write what comes to my mind haha..i have no idea when i took what ect ect ect ~
so it's al over the place ...but throughout the holiday of course!!
OPPS ..i forgot to upload the pic of the wintermellon we grew and "harvested" from our garden!
i'll leave that for next entry i guess?? hehe
jya..matta !