Long time i haven't update my entry ~
well, that's because i was away on a study trip~ ...
It is more like an away trip and a time to bond with my fellow coursemates...
I got to know them better ~
Many good and bad things happened...
And i finally see and i hope that i continue to see ...that all things happen for a reason ...
and all we have to do is leave it in his hands ...
I have to admit that i'm not a girl that is faithful or really holy, i seldom say grace and all...
I think i should start ^^
We went from KK to Miri as a pit stop (aprox: 12 hours )...and took the coastal road to bintulu (about 3 hours )'
same routine for the way back here ~
so in total 2 nights stay at Miri and 1 night stay at Bintulu ~
Sigh ~
I saw first hand how my loved ones are dealing with the "crisis"
Yes ...something sad happened ....it broke my heart~
and my camera T___T
I was mad with what happened and couldn't control my emotions ....
Everyone knows that i did nothing wrong ~
I try to forgive
but it's hard to control what i feel....you hate because you love ~
A mixture of complicated feelings ~
All is forgiven ~
But what is to forgive?
From his point of view , i'm the guilty party ~
oh well...i guess this is where the "forgive and forget" part takes it's place
maybe it is a sign to show me that i was ( and probably still) weak ...
and that what i'm facing here is nothing compared to what others are facing~
I should be grateful ....and try to take stress as a secs of accomplishment ~
I want to be more mature ~
at heart and at soul ~
I will smile ...even if i don;t deserve happiness ....
i will be strong for the sake of my loved ones and friends who is here for me ~
i now see it....
Emoness= excessive expression of depression and self pity ~
It hurts right?
when you read this...
because deep inside ...you know it is true ~ and then you start to find excuses and reason it out ~
saying that "my life sucks" ..." i have nothing to look forward to"
but in truth... i was making myself worse ...and that is why people have been avoiding me ~
if you stand up and realize how much this world has to give , then , no matter how hard life gets , you can still love yourself and your life ~
every single thing happen for a reason ....and if you try to find it...you will see that light ~
so my dearly beloved readers...it may be work stress, family , love , studies , assignments or whatever that is getting in the way of your happiness...find the reason behind all that...and you will feel how wonderful your life really is ~
Each and everyone of us is born for a reason ~
find that reason ...and live life to the fullest ~
peace out ! ^^V