Its fun to hang out with old friends ne ~ but i'm just held back by assignments ^^
took a few crazy pics can check it out in FB ^^
I ended up getting Samsung instead of SE ....because the G900 was was too expensive at the place i was browsing...turns out that the model is not out of stock in Farley T_T...
oh well...there are drawbacks for that SE model too...eventhough i'm quite a SE fan ~
that means i owned pretty much every well known brand...Motorola , Nokia, Sony Errisson and now Samsung!
I got the Samsung Corby.
Fully touch screen ..and i have no idea how new it is ( pretty new)
got it for a bargain ^^
can't find any lower price anywhere else ( even at farley)
nice ...but i have to pretty much learn everything from scratch !
Not as easy to use as SE....
camera ...not so good only a pittiful 2MP...bit i have a good camera so ~ ^^
Comes with 2 extra housing i got the pink one...wanted the white but there were no new one...onely the one on display. Mum said that pink is the nicest...^^...but i can change it to black or pink with design anytime i want ^^
Sleep is in there ^^ ( happy)
but the most important thing is...i don't have to listen to people complaining that thay can't hear mic broke ...the reson i got a new one ^^...gonna use this phone for a looong time so...i have to love it ^^....
absolutely love the wide screen ^^