What is the first thing that comes across your mind when you read this word?
I first heard this word in a Japanese songs. In fact, when you listen to a lot of Japanese songs ( especially J-rock) you can find that its quite common.
^^ its an explanation for a colour ~
when i first heard it from a song ~ i was thinking oh ~ must be coloourful.
I had no idea !
"MONO" single right??? lets just assume the "chrome " means colour ~...
Turns out ~ it means a different shade of the same colour ~ basically, black and white ~
Remember the days where there were black and white TVs??? there ~ that's monochrome ~ the different shades of black and white all accumulated together to form a real life picture ~
Come to think of it, my favorite colour is black and white ...how vapid ~ right??
Life is VAPID !
frustration~ not an easy word or feeling to deal with ~
I wish i could just leave everything behind and run away ~
Or maybe just sink into a deep sleep , and wake up in a fairy tale world ~
Those that you know " there are hard times but the endings are always happy"
where you know that despite how harsh life is , there will be some sort of salvation...
The bad guys just die out , or turn good in the end ~ the main character , after suffering torment and hard life, gains friendship and also love ~
The reality is ...fairy tales doesn't exist ~
Here's is what i would like to wake up to ~ after that "sleep "
I was getting ready for a busy morning ~ took a look at the mirror and even smirked at myself.
Just as i stopped (smirking), someone calls me for breakfast ~
I let out a sigh of relieve as i wasn't caught acting silly ~ then smiled to myself as i walked down the hall way to the dining room ~
Breakfast was neatly laid on a turquoise coloured tablecloth
Someone served me my favorite drink ~ Fresh fruit juice
then asks "how's the song coming?"
i answer " um~i need more inspiration"
I take a sip of a perfectly brewed tea ~
then a bite of a chocolate muffin ~
We exchanged a few laughs ~
after breakfast, i flip through the book i had for ages ~
the book where i kept my thoughts, some odd doodles too ~
and of course ~ the songs that portrays my life ~
a serene feeling comes ~ and as i read through my thoughts , i remember what made me who i am today ~
all that pain, blood sweat and tears ...paid off ~
i run my fingers down the pages ~
letting out a silent almost unnoticeable giggle as i red my so-called "letters to Maya"
Somehow i could see some wrinkled spots , what was left of the tears that fell on these pages , preserved by the very surface that absorbed them ~
Life was tough ~
I felt a hand on my shoulder , i turned around and a cute smile enters the picture,
My band's vocalist told me that it was time to meet our mentors for a run through ~
She tossed me the keys to our van . I then gave her an unnatural grin as i won the "janken" the previous night on deciding who was gonna drive ~
Upon arriving at our studio , we were greeted by bows and "ohayo"s ... we did the same in return .
We met up with our drummer , the serious one , and then our bassist the funny one ~ we manage our own band ~ We get our clothing line from our established mentors and their brand "Gurucho"
Today was studio work !
I was working with my senpai...Aiji-san on the guitar sound ~
I was sitting on an armless office chair with one of my many electric guitars ~
My mentor sits behind with the paper i handed to him last week ~ which he approved of after i spruced it up ~
I then strum a few chords to give him an idea of what the tune and tempo would turn out to be ~
he gave me a few pointers~
" ja jugujugu jang jugujugu jang~ ....the ending would sound better like that" doing an air guitar ,while mimicking the sound of the guitar ...
i nodded and strummed the pattern out....
i hit rewind on the tape recorder i had in front of me and listened to myself strum ~
"it could be better " i thought to myself...
Sure enough my mentor was on the same page ~ " just let the last part sound instead of stopping it..jang jugujugu jang jugujugu janggggg~" he brush his right arm across his lap as if he had a guitar .
i payed the final chorus and did what he said ~ yes. it sounded perfect ~
It only felt like an hour or so but a whole days work has passed ~
we were to work the next day with the bass and drum sounds then recording starts after that~
"Life is busy but fun in a way ~"
I finished my blog and clicked "publish post"
As i did , i heard some sort of commotion going on outside
the others already made plans for dinner ~
I, of course, was dragged along too...
we enjoyed talking about work
we discussed the clothing line and our costumes . it was our vocalist favorite part in releasing a new single ~
Oh..and of course ~ the annual tour ~
As i finish the last sip of my "sake "( the only alcohol drink i can handle ) i recalled the first time we did and opening for a concert ~ it was a life changing one ~
I was in full costume ~ the make up the hair ~ and the custom made ESP guitar given to me ~
pathetic right?? yea...i think so too ~
Ah but life is here ~ in front of my laptop ~
worrying about home and some dallied assignments ~
the future is set~
I will one day be bound to society ~
A government's property ~
being groomed to be what i was meant to be all along...
Being groomed to be what flows in this blood of mine ~
fairy tales never existed and never will exist ~
this is life and also the reality that we have to face everyday ~
For a girl that wants to run away from reality , it really sucks~
I will hence sink into this shell of mine and work my way around this cruel and painful world ~
Hopefully when i am groomed and made into a person i was destined to be , i will come back to life ~ and find some happiness ~
as for now~ happiness seems so far away ~
I'll try my best ...even if i feel like running ~
So you guys should to